Lea Lalíková Clara Sӧhnel Harriet Tubman Lea Lalíková Clara Sӧhnel
Summary Biography Her escape New life Our interpretation Why she is a hero Source
Biography 1820-1913 Was an American abolitionist,humanitorian Slave who escaped Had a one child Had a three sisters and six brothers Born in Maryland Had to care for children/cook/work on the field Married John Tubman Work with Anti-Slaves-Organisations
Her escape Escaped in 1849 to Philadelphia When she should be sold She flew with her two brothers Came back A feew months later she flew again
New life Went often to the southstates to help slaves Worked for the Union Army: as a nurse and a cook then as a spy Guided the raid at Combahee ferry active in women´s suffrage
Why she is hero ? She fought for the human rights She helped many people She worked very hard She had a difficul life
Source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Harriet_Tu bman_by_Squyer,_NPG,_c1885.jpg http://www.fembio.org/biographie.php/frau/ biographie/harriet-tubman/ https://sk.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_Tubma nov%C3%A1https://www.google.sk/search?q =harriet+tubman+picture&hl=sk&rlz=1T4AV NH_skSK735&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm =isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2v5mincnSAhXDr RoKHe83DPIQ_AUIBQ
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