The Hero’s Journey
Birth of a Hero ☻ the hero is destined to do great things ☻ birth is mysterious or connected to the intrigue of the royal court
Training of the Hero ☻ hero finds out that they are destined to be great ☻ a time of training and being mentored
The Quest ☻ the hero sets out on a dangerous quest to save the people from a plague or a tyrant ☻ gains knowledge and/or spiritual enlightenment ☻ there is a moral purpose of the quest (or their morals are tested ☻ the hero needs to descend into “the underworld” or hell’s equivalent
Journey Home ☻ the hero’s journey back home can be just as long and dangerous as his quest ☻ there is a reward for his labours ☻ he returns changed and usually enlightened (or punished) ☻ can be changed both physically and mentally