1: Playing to your audience Getting a message across and achieving more 03 October 2008
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Two way communication Who is your audience – how do you define that? Usually know audience partially – this may need extending with input from funder What is the question/message? Who do you actually want to listen? Communication plan Early engagement of stakeholders– help scope work (it’s often too late) 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Does that audience want to listen? What are their interests/motivations? – engage their interest Don’t make assumptions (they may know more than you!) Speak their language (e.g. scientists to policy makers/funders) Do you need a go-between if you can’t speak their language? Develop relationships - trust 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Disseminate an output or communicate an outcome? What will this research lead to? - context Trust is built on being reliable, giving updates, understanding expectations, listening to feedback and acting on it Is the mechanism in place to enable stakeholders to be engaged with you? First understand before being understood 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Do they need to understand the science or just how it will affect them? They will have a need – a problem that needs to be solved, an improved vision, etc. Context - What are their working methods, systems, processes, tools, etc? How will the research fit into the above? How do people like to be communicated to? Present in a creative and attention grabbing way (sales technique) 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Intelligently pick your medium Multiple audiences for outputs – different outputs are often needed Review process – trust in the outputs Audiences can change (even within the same organisation) Availability of researchers for the transition period to generate outcomes from the outputs – funders need to recognise this need, as do the researchers in scoping work 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 Relationship with the audience extends beyond the end of the R&D – where is the true project end? Funders need to see the whole picture 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 1 What are the 6 golden rules? Build trust/relationships Tailor communication to your audience Early and full planning Maximise engagement Understand the context Clarity of outcomes/vision 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Recognition by R&D community Acknowledgement of results from the R&D Should we be learning for the sake of learning? Shouldn’t we be wanting solve problems? 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Stakeholder analysis – who are the major players, etc? Get to know people What is their baseline of understanding? Get to understand their lives more fully Establishing trust Understand their missions What is important for them to solve their problems? 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Creating and win-win outcome Communicating with them What will make them pay attention? How will they learn? How to get the message across effectively Face to face communication Learn how they communicate and taylor it accordingly Link with other activities and organisations to maximise interest (take advantage) 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Finding common ground Set up steering group, but this can sometimes be a bit late and formal Sometimes need more informal activities Finding time and resources to do it Start early Motivation can be low if too early, but also if too late Potentially address different people at different stages 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Need to start even before the project starts Planned, pro-active process Honesty - Do what you say you’re going to do People appreciate you paying attention to them Cultural differences can exist and must be taken into consideration (e.g. organisations vs individuals) Adapt to recipients’ or clients’ culture 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Motivation/interests – context of message Dissemination is a social process Chink in the armour – not being what was expected Timing of radical solutions needs to be sensitive – you need to show you care Understanding the bigger picture How can we motivate? Should we motivate? 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 Ask for their help – there is often goodwill towards researchers Sometimes understanding and trust is enough – input might be limited Using champions within the community Ownership of the solution 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously
Taking Dissemination Seriously Workshop session 2 What are the 6 golden rules? Trust Ownership Planning and resources Listening and understanding Connecting and tailoring Look for the win-win 03 October 2008 Taking Dissemination Seriously