Transformation Programme Report - SIP and Research Systems Programme (RSP) – March 2019 Overview Headlines SIP Summary of progress High level plan Please note: report on Research Systems Programme will be covered in a Part 2 item
Better Health Research Overview Primary objective for 18/19 has been on process improvements through business change projects, though KPI’s indicate that benefits are already being realised (evidence contained in 18/19 performance reports) Indicative ‘progress ‘ line Deliverables Benefits Ambition Process Improvements Better service Reduced Process Costs Predictable (quicker) timelines Increased customer satisfaction Invest in additional capability meet challenge of reducing budget Better Health Research
Headlines RSP Programme - Amber Please see separate Part 2 report SIP Programme - Green Please see detailed slides
SIP – Summary Overall the majority of work within SIP has delivered and we are nearing the end of our two year work programme. We are expecting to close the programme at the end of March and have agreed governance for any ongoing pieces of activity within existing governance and management of projects so oversight is continued. We will continue to measure benefits post programme closure as we know some of the benefits will yet to filter through from the changes that we’ve made. Whilst we close the programme at the end of March we are clear that as an organisation we will continue to undertake improvement activities for the benefit of staff, researchers and the research eco system as a whole. A full ‘closedown’ report will be submitted to the May Board
SIP – Integrated Approval The HRA integrated approval process is ready for implementation from April, workforce changes and detailed implementation plans to phase the transition to new ways of working are all in place. Staff are undergoing training and RECs have been updated on the changes that they will see. An integrated process for amendments has been agreed and work is underway to develop a tool to help with the categorisation of amendments to help streamline this area of work. Our tool to help applicants get it right first time has been implemented within the constraints of current IRAS and we are seeing a gradual trend of improvement of applications with the appropriate elements complete when submitted Our volunteer recruitment pilot completed in Liverpool and has given us valuable insight into this which we will take forward into our member support function in the new structure.
SIP - PIER Completing set of expectations for public involvement in research- developed collaboratively with REC members, public contributors and 4 nations input. Supporting work on case studies and signposting resources is nearing completion. We have tested our public involvement guidance in action with a number of organisations. The guidance aims to help researchers better explain how public involvement has made a difference to their research and to address some of the ethical issues that a REC may consider as part of their review ‘It gave us more justification to go to the leadership team and say we are part of this test bed so we are encouraged to get PPI into our studies’ ‘I did feel it was very clear and I thought it actually gave us quite a good steer in what we should be more thinking about where maybe previously we wouldn’t have thought or focused as much’
SIP – Customer Support Our Customer Support workstream will continue into the next financial year and will continue to report into the transformation board. Aims to deliver an integrated approach to managing the customer relationship, ensuring that all queries are managed effectively and that feedback is effectively used in improving service provision It has achieved the discovery phase which was focussed on a comprehensive assessment of current practice - including developing an understanding of the needs the organisation has in relation to procuring a customer relationship management system
Format of SIP close down report Summary of deliverables Completed and continuing activity Benefits achieved/planned Lessons learnt Financial report Future monitoring arrangements
SIP - Corporate We have reviewed and restructured our facilities management support to free up staff in centres to focus on other activities. We have reviewed and revamped or new starters processes, to aid corporate induction and help our new starters to get up and running effectively as soon as possible. We have introduced new IT kit and software to support our organisation and our smart ways of working. We have increased the use of technology to reduce the level of manual processes required to ‘manage’ basic business requirements e.g. absence and leave management We are also taking forward work on our information management strategy into the next financial year from this workstream which will report into the leadership team