Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period Lares and Penates Lorene Henderson Magistra Potter 3rd Period
What/ Who is it? Household gods of Ancient Rome Term means household or personal possessions Offerings were made to the gods before each meal
Lares Spirits of the dead Guarded homes, crossroads and cities Aka Lar Familiaris Made sure each family line didn’t die out
Types of Lares Lares Compitales- guarded crossroads and neighboorhoods Honored 4 times a year in Compitalia (festival) Lares Praestites- guarded city of Rome
Penates Guardian Gods of the storeroom (pantry) Protected the welfare and prosperity of the household Associated with Vesta (Goddess of the Hearth)
Types of Penates Penates Publici – Guardians of the state and object of Roman Patriotism Legend that they were once household gods of Aeneas