Comments Ref:WLTP-2013-029 (17/09/13) WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-259 Comments Ref:WLTP-2013-029 (17/09/13) Not the same terms for the def for optional equipment
Annex4 As the calculation method is not in annex 4, may be useful to give the reference where the calculation can be found of annex 7
Annex 4 As w1 comes from aero shouldn’t it be corrected with K2? In Utac 3%, 5% and 10% are currently used, including interlaboratory testing => gives good repeatability on the results
Annex 4 This paragraph is unclear Might be useful to add “vehicle H” and “vehicle L” in the definitions list
Annex 5 Could HFID be also integrated for methane? 5.1
Annex 5 To be consistent with H13 should be 99.95
Annex 6 I do not understand the comment on this point as the time is defined to be 0.5s => max 5s on cycle
Annex 6
Annex 7 Purpose of rounding up intermediate calculation values?