CIS WG D meeting 7 April 2011 DG ENV, Brussels State of the Environment reporting - EEA 2012 State of Water assessment Agenda 6. Bo N. Jacobsen EEA
EEA 2012 State of Water assessment 100 pages synthesis/integrated report more than five Water thematic assessments (20-40 pages) Baseline – overview of status and pressures affecting Europe’s water Related to the main policy issues WFD Article 18: … a review of the status of surface water and groundwater in the Community under-taken in coordination with the European Environment Agency;
Synthesis – integrated water assessment Potential thematic assessments Coastal and transitional waters Hydromorphology pressures; Freshwater biodiversity and related pressures; Water resources and resource efficiency; water economics; Water and vulnerability (water scarcity and droughts, floods;) Other EEA reports Coastal report Urban report Climate impact 2011 Chemicals report 2011 & 2012 Bathing water reports Update of water indicators Update of WISE maps Assessment of Assessment on water
170 RBMPs Analysis Other information DG Environment Blueprint to Safeguard European Waters Analysis WFD imple-mentation Water scarcity & drought Climate change & water EEA State of European Water Synthesis/integrated Water assessment Other information Baseline (Status of waters and pressures affecting them) Further assessments – e.g. water resource efficiency, water accounts, ecosystem goods and services Thematic (focused) assessments
Status and pressure assessments based on RBMPs – baseline assessment Overall status (e.g. European overviews (pie-charts, maps) Regional or type specific overviews (e.g. ecological status of deep lakes compared to shallow lakes) Water bodies with poor-bad status – where are the hot-spots Case-studies Pressures The most important pressures Regional or type and issue specific pressures Assessments of main pressures Point sources Diffuse sources Water abstraction/stress Physical modification – morphology, flow, continuity
From RBD information to European overview European SoE Information Overview tables – graphs Maps Indicators Assessments Integrated Assessments e.g. inclusion of sector information Policy relevant evaluations RBD/RB information RBD/RB information RBD/RB information
European overview of ecological status (dummy) European Ecological status Ecological status per RBD
Preliminary results – Central Europe Ecological status of surface water bodies The Netherlands Austria Germany
Preliminary results – 10 countries Ecological status 62 400 surface water bodies
Preliminary results – 10 countries
Nitrate concentration per river basin district latest year (most RBDs 2008)) (mg N/l) < 0.8 0.8-2 2-3.6 3.6-5.6 5.6-11.3 > 11.3 See WISE
Application of fertilisers and manure
Source apportionment (phosphorus load) Pressures & impact Source apportionment (phosphorus load) Pressures number and percentage of water bodies that are reported as being subject to the indicated significant pressures • Point Source (numbers, loads) • Diffuse Source (numbers, loads) • Overlap with hydromorphology • Other Pressures (invasive species, climate change, mining etc.) Impacts the number and percentage of water bodies that are reported as being subject to the indicated significant impacts Nutrient enrichment (at risk of becoming eutrophic) Organic enrichment Acidification Other impacts
Overall trend in river water quality BOD & total ammonium Nitrate & orthophosphate
Hydromorphological pressures
Scheldt AWB & HMWB Source: &
Seine barriers
Timeplan Analyse information from RBMPs, Water Scarcity and Drought and other issues (e.g. water ressource efficiency) – 1. half of 2011 – update later Prepare baseline state and pressure indicators (graphs+assessments) (ready June) Draft outlines for thematic assessment Draft thematic and integrated assessments (Autumn 2011) Present and discuss results and assessments with stakeholders (Eionet NRCs - Oct. 2011 ?) 2012 finalise and publish the assessments
Thanks for your attention