Blessings of Discipleship Eph 1:3-14 Some aspects of the wording of Paul can be a bit confusing. I try to break down the teachings being present Blessings are spiritual blessings; these are not physical.
Blessings of Discipleship God Blessed Us With All Spiritual Blessings God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ His only begotten Son Spiritual Blessings In Christ
Blessings of Discipleship God Chose Us To be Holy and Blameless From before the beginning God did not choose a person but a people of a certain character II Thes 2:13-14, chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: By Paul’s Gospel All are called: few are chosen Jn 3:16, who so ever believes should not perish….
Blessings of Discipleship Chose (Election) Choose the nature of kingdom citizens Holy and Blameless Analogy of Israel The decedents of Abraham were chose w/o merit (The nation of Israel) only the faithful received the blessing of the land Lineage of Abraham was chose by God, not by merit but of his own will. All men are chose today; but few accept All are called: few are chosen Jn 3:16, who so ever believes should not perish….
Blessings of Discipleship God Predestined Us To Adoption Not by birth or family lineage Predestined – Adoption God did not Predetermine a person but a family Gal 3:26-27, Children of God by Faith… Similarly, Israel thought they were in the kingdom because they were descendants of Abraham. Here, a people is predestined, those who are adopted.
Blessings of Discipleship Predestined To Adoption Analogy of Israel (Rom 9) The decedents of Abraham were predestined to inhabit the Land of Canaan w/o merit (The nation of Israel) But all did not inhabit the land All had the promise but only the faithful entered the land a person was not predestined but Adoption was When it comes to being God’s children, Israel trusted in their ancestry, not personal believe and action
Blessings of Discipleship God Made Accepted In Jesus Through our obedience
Blessings of Discipleship God Made Us Accepted BY: Jesus Redeemed With his Blood Symbol of law of Moses sin sacrifice Jesus the perfect sacrifice Redeemed us Bought us back Offering for the forgiveness of our sins I Pet 1:18-20, Redeemed by Blood of Jesus
Blessings of Discipleship Jesus Revealed the Mystery Through the Comforter (Holy Spirit) Jn 14-16, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit Mystery All gathering together into one Who Eph 2:11-13, brought together by the Blood of Christ Gal 3:28-29, no more Jew and Greek, bond and free, male and female, we are all one in Christ Mystery is both Jew and Gentle are accepted
Blessings of Discipleship Jesus Offers the Inheritance Jn 14:2-3, Jesus left to prepare a place for us Jesus Predestined We should be to the Praise of his Glory Holy Spirit Sealed Us It is the earnest of inheritance until judgment down payment or security
Blessings of Discipleship The Trinity God the Father Lord Jesus Christ (Son) Holy Spirit
Blessings of Discipleship God Chose Holy & blameless God Predestined Adoption All Spiritual Blessings Jesus Redeemed Jesus Revealed Mystery Jesus Offers the Inheritance Holy Spirit is the Down Payment of the Inheritance Lesson focuses on God’s blessings; not so much on the conditions of these blessings, or when they are received. Gal3:26-29