Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Training
Table of Content WHMIS Main Components of WHMIS Supplier Labels MSDS Training Requirements WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
1. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Developed jointly by labor, industry, federal, provincial and territorial governments. A Canada-wide system designed to give employers and workers information about hazardous materials in the workplace. It applies to hazardous materials known as controlled products: (Class A, B, C, D, E and F). It does not apply to domestic products such as WD-40, for example. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
1.1 OH&S Act and Regulation Set out in detail employer duties respecting: Labels Material safety data sheet, and Workers training (all provinces and territories based their WHMIS on the same model to promote consistency across Canada) WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
1.2 Purpose of WHMIS To provide information on hazardous materials used in the workplace. To facilitate the process of hazard identification in the workplace. To ensure consistency of hazard information in all Canadian workplaces. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
1.3 Responsibilities: Hazardous, or Controlled Materials Employer Workplace inventory Assessment on Designated Substances Procedure in place Workplace labels Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Workers training WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
1.4 Responsibilities: Hazardous Material Worker Participate in training Apply knowledge Recognize and report hazards to the supervisor. Follow the requirements and procedures put in place by the employer in accordance with the MSDS sheet. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2. Main Components of WHMIS Labeling Requirements Supplier WHMIS label Workplace Label MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheets Training Employer Worker WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class A : Compressed Gas Any material which is a gas at normal temperature (20 degrees) and pressure, but is packaged as pressurized gas, dissolved gas or gas liquefied by compression or refrigeration, e.g. oxygen, chlorine, acetylene, etc. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class B: Flammable and Combustible Material Class B: Flammable and Combustible Material solids, liquids and gases capable of catching fire or exploding in the presence of a source of ignition. Examples: white phosphorus, acetone and butane. Flammable liquids such as acetone are more easily ignited than combustible liquids such as kerosene. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class C: Oxidizing Material Materials which provide oxygen or similar substances and which increase the risk of fire if they come into contact with flammable or combustible materials. Examples: sodium hypochlorite, perchloric acid, inorganic peroxides. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class D: Poisonous & Infectious Materials Class D, Division 1 Materials causing immediate and serious toxic effects. This division covers materials which can cause the death of a person exposed to small amounts. Examples: sodium cyanide, hydrogen sulphide. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class D: Poisonous & Infectious Materials Class D, Division 2 Materials causing other toxic effects. This division covers materials which cause immediate eye or skin irritation as well as those which can cause long-term effects in a person repeatedly exposed to small amounts. Examples: acetone (irritant), asbestos (carcinogen), toluene diisocyanate (sensitizer). WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class D: Poisonous & Infectious Materials Class D, Division 3 Biohazardous infectious material. This division applies to materials which contain harmful microorganisms. Examples: cultures or diagnostic specimens containing salmonella bacteria or the hepatitis B virus. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class E: Corrosive Material Acid or caustic materials which can destroy the skin or eat through metals. Examples: muriatic aid, lye. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
2.1 Symbols Class F: Dangerously Reactive Material Products which can undergo dangerous reaction if subjected to heat, pressure, shock or allowed to contact water. Examples: plastic monomers such as butadiene and some cyanides. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
3. Supplier Labels Supplier labels must be affixed to the original containers of controlled products. If labels are missing or illegible, they should be replaced by workplace labels. Eight (8) information in English & French: 1. Product Name (common/chemical name) 2. Hazard Symbol(s) 3. Hazards(s) 4. First Aid Measures 5. Suppliers Information (name, address, etc.) 6. Reference to MSDS 7. Precautionary Measures 8. Edge – must be distinctive & different from background of container. Workplace labels must be affixed to controlled products that have been transferred from the original container into another container. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
Supplier Label WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be obtained for all controlled products and available to all – All MSDS shall be dated less than 3 years old. (Nine or more categories of information: (MSDS handout) Product Identification and Use The product identifier, use, manufacturer’s name, address PIN number (product identification number) Hazardous Ingredients The terms 'hazardous Ingredient' refer to an ingredient that can cause harm to workers and other people, property or the environment through fire, explosion, reaction or release. These ingredients will be part of the product composition. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) Physical Data State of the product - gas, solid, liquid, indicates how the substance may enter the body (inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion), the appearance, color, odor threshold, vapor pressure, vapor density, evaporation rate, boiling point, freezing point pH, specific gravity, coefficient of water/oil distribution. Fire and Explosion Data Conditions under which material may be flammable (ignite and burn readily), means of extinction, explosion data (explode as a result of being dropped or subjected to impact), sensitivity to static discharge, safe handling methods, flash point, auto ignition temperature, Upper Explosive Limit/Lower Explosive Limit. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) Reactivity Data Conditions under which the product is chemically unstable such as heat, burning sunlight; name of any substance or class of substance with which the product is incompatible; decomposition. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) First Aid Measures Provide information on safe evacuation procedures and the immediate treatment of persons over-exposed to the material. Preparation Data of MSDS Who prepared the MSDS, telephone number and date of MSDS. MSDS remains valid for 3 years from the date shown, unless new information becomes available before then, at which point the supplier must update the MSDS within 90 days. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) Toxic Properties Explain the health effects which may result from over exposure, route of entry into the body, inhalation, absorption, ingestion, puncture/injection, acute or chronic, TLV or TWAEV Time Weighted Average Exposure Value, Short-Term Exposure Value, ceiling, evidence of carcinogen, sensitizing capabilities. Preventative Measures How to avoid potential hazards associated with exposure to the material, controls, equipment and procedures (i.e. type of eye protection/hand/face), waste disposal, handling and storage procedures, shipping information. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
4. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) Precaution for safe handling and use Handling procedures Storage requirement Spill leak or release Waste disposal Special shipping instruction WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
MSDS Availability Legally the supplier must provide label and MSDS. Binders in your work area (must be updated every three years or prior if new MSDS available). MSDS must be readily accessible on worksite simultaneously with the product. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
Lubricating grease for HILTI hammer drills Example of MSDS Lubricating grease for HILTI hammer drills WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
Example of MSDS WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
Example of MSDS WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
5. Training Requirements Safety orientation Additional training courses may be required as directed by supervisors, client, etc. Specific training on the hazards in your work area conducted by your supervisor. Training on the WHMIS system. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01
Conclusion Be sure you meet the MSDS requirement. Be sure that the MSDS sheets are available on site. Be sure that your job procedure follows the MSDS requirement. Be sure that you only use products with proper labelling. For questions regarding WHMIS, take five minutes and call your foreman and/or safety to get answers. WHMIS TRAINING REV.3 15/06/01