Meet the Friends of Glimmerglass State Park 2010 Plan of Action and Overview
Who are we? The Friends of Glimmerglass State park are: A not-for-profit organization Over 50 members strong Interested in stronger community involvement with the park Fans of nature and the outdoors
Our mission is: To support the mission of Glimmerglass State Park through… Our mission statement Strategic Planning Advocacy Fundraising Volunteerism
Our short term goal is to: Facilitate community interaction at the park Raise community awareness of park issues Increase participation in park events & programs Our vision Our long term vision is to: Create a Handicap Access Nature Trail that leads to the lake Raise funds for a new Nature Center at the park
The Nature Center The Nature Center is our long term vision: We envision having a common area at Glimmerglass State Park to welcome visitors, greet our friends and teach our children about nature! We are continuously fund raising to help achieve this vision. (Architectural drawing donated by Milan H. Jackson, P.E., Principal Engineer for Lamont Engineering)
We organize community events such as: Events Winter snow tubing Guided Bird Walks Yoga on the Beach Movie Nights Friends Clambake Festival of Trees Holiday Workshops We love to get together with the community and our members, so be sure to check Our Events Page for up-to-date information on our latest events.Our Events Page
Programs Our programs support the youth of our community. The Glimmerglass Nature Explorers Program - Learn about the world around us by exploring the land for yourself! –Free Children's program for ages –Nature Explorer booklet for participants to compliment visits to the park –New activities in the Nature Explorer booklet each year –Complete the activities in the booklet individually or with friends –Return the completed booklet to the park office to obtain your Explorer Pin anytime during the park season Its a Playdate! –Summer camp program for kids ages 6-12 –Held in cooperation with Hyde Hall
Getting involved Get involved by volunteering Our events and programs are a great start, but you can also get involved in other ways. We owe much of our success to volunteers. We ask our volunteers to give according to their time and talent. Every one one has something to contribute! You do not need to be a member to volunteer There are several ways you can volunteer –Event volunteers –Program (Teaching) Volunteers –Habitat Volunteers –Office –Eagle Scouts, Gold Award, Bar and Bat Mitzvah Projects –Youth Volunteer Work Days (contact us or visit our website for more information on these opportunities)
How to join Visit to join online! Or you can… Download a membership form and mail it in, along with your donation.membership form The Membership donation requirements are listed below: Student membership $5 INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP $10 CLASSROOM MEMBERSHIP $20 FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $20 BUSINESS MEMBERSHIP $30 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP $100 SPONSOR MEMBERSHIP $250 BENEFACTOR >$250 GENERAL DONATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME.
All levels Tax Deductable 10% Discount at Park Store Newsletter Subscription Membership Card Discount on a BJ's Warehouse Membership Special Friends of Glimmerglass Member Events Membership benefits CLASSROOM CORPORATE SPONSOR CERTIFICATE NAME IN NEWSLETTER NAME IN NEWSLETTER SPECIAL PROGRAM NAME ON PLAQUE NAME ON PLAQUE WEB LINK FOR BUSINESS FREE EMPIRE PASS WEB LINK FOR BUSINESS BUSINESS NAME IN NEWSLETTER WEB LINK FOR $10 FEE
Community support makes a Good Park a Great Park! Heres how our group and your support can help: Educational Programs Enrich our Communitys Children Public Events for Adults & Seniors Support Life-long Learning Conserve our Environment & Protect its Wildlife How your support helps
President : Karen Sheckells Secretary : Rich McCaffery Treasurer : Linda Sheckells Board Members: Doris Hill Harriet Sessler Donna Shipman Angie Erway Sean Taylor Our leadership (All positions are volunteer only, not paid positions)
Awards & Grants Friends of Glimmerglass State Park have gained state grant attention! We have big dreams for our community, we cant achieve them alone. Along with the generous donations of our members, we are pleased to announce receipt of the following grants! The Parks and Trails of New York Grant ($2,400) The Bed Tax Grant Program ($815) The Minnie Marsh White Fund Grant
This presentation was made possible by a grant from Parks & Trails New York. Webmaster: Derek Smith Power Point: Stephanie Bogus
Lets Be Friends! Glimmerglass State Park 1527 Co Hwy 31 Cooperstown, NY