English Unit 1 exam revision
Start with writing! Q5 – what will you need to do? Writing to inform, explain or describe – 16 marks You need to aim for 3-4 paragraphs for Q5 plus an introduction and conclusion.
Q6 – what will you need to do? Write to argue or persuade – 24 marks You need to aim for 4-5 paragraphs for Q6 plus an introduction and conclusion.
Don’t forget that markers are paid by the paper and they won’t spend hours on yours. They will decide within the first few lines what kind of grade they could be looking at... eg. you want them to be thinking... ‘this is good... they could be an A*.... and then if it’s not sustained... it’s an A... not…’this is dull’...! YOU MUST CRAFT YOUR WRITING AND MAKE EVERY WORD COUNT!
What will the questions want? Q1a? (hint – 4 marks) You will always be asked to list 4 things about what you learn from the article. 1) Use your own words. 2) Write in clear sentences. What the examiner said about Question 1a in January: Students need to write in clear sentences. Lengthy responses supported by quotations are not required for 1a – the space supplied on the examination paper for this question is an indication of the length of response required.
What will the questions want? Q1b? (hint – 4 marks) 3 paragraphs each focusing on a different point made up of the following: POINT = Focus closely on the key words from the question and use these when making your point. QUOTE = Relevant and concise quotation which supports your point. YOU MUST USE QUOTATION MARKS! INFER = What you can read between the lines about your chosen quotation (link it back to the question). This means... Or This suggests... What the examiner said about Question 1b in January: You must use quotations. You must focus closely on the key words of the question. Do not analyse any language techniques on this question as this is not the skill you are being asked to demonstrate!
What will the questions want? Q2? (hint – 8 marks) 4 paragraphs each focusing on a different point made up of the following: POINT = Focus closely on the key words from the question and use these when making your point. QUOTE = Relevant and concise quotation which supports your point. YOU MUST USE QUOTATION MARKS! INFER = What you can read between the lines about your chosen quotation (link it back to the question). Phrases for inference: This means that…. This suggests that… This indicates that… The use of the word ‘….’ implies that… REMEMBER TO LEAVE A LINE BETWEEN EACH PARAGRAPH! What the examiner said about Q2 in the January exam: Problems occurred when candidates copied out the text, paraphrased the text and ignored the key word in the question. Problems were caused when candidates failed to mention the key word in their answer at all.
What will the questions want? Q3? (hint – 12 marks) It will ask you how language is used in source 2 for two different purposes You need to pick out 6 language features in total. This means 6 paragraphs! When thinking about the techniques used in the text, you should always focus on the following places in the text: The first sentence used in the text (1 feature) The final sentence used in the text (1 feature) Everything else in between (4 features) Next slide for an example...
Each of your paragraphs need to be made up of the following: POINT: The writer uses a ………… (name the language feature) at the start/middle/end of the ………. (source type: article, website etc) to help the text to .......... (name one of the purposes from the question) when he says........ QUOTE: ‘example of the technique used’ ANALYSIS: They use …….…….(language feature) because they want the reader to feel………………………........... They use this to suggest/imply/convey ……………………………………………… and this links to the purpose of the text which is to inform/explain/describe/persuade/ argue. (If possible, make links to the rest of the text here). REMEMBER TO LEAVE A LINE BETWEEN EACH PARAGRAPH! You need to use sequential connectives to link your paragraphs together: Firstly, secondly, in addition, lastly, finally…etc. What the examiner has said about Q3 in January: Candidates MUST focus on language features. Those who don’t will receive very little marks for their answer.
What will the questions want? Q4? (hint – 12 marks) Compare how presentational features are used in two of the sources. You need to pick out 3 - 4 presentational features to compare in total. Each comparative paragraph should be made up of the following: Point of comparison (this needs to be a presentational feature) Example of presentational feature from 1st text – why has it been used? What is the effect (multiple interpretations + effect on the reader + effectiveness) Example of presentational feature for 2nd text – why has it been used? What is the effect (multiple interpretations + effect on the reader + effectiveness What the examiner said about Q4 in January: Do not use the phrase ‘it drags you in’ or ‘it stands out’ as this will only get you a Band 1 mark. Candidates are advised to write a lot about a little.
Revising language features for Q3 Fill in the effects on the reader for each language feature
Quiz - answers
Revision cards Create revision cards for each feature – definition on the front, effect on the back
Q3) Read source 3 Apricots on the Nile Q3) Read source 3 Apricots on the Nile. How is language used to describe and to inform in the source? Annotate the text: (include the first sentence + the last – decide which purpose they fulfil) 3 language features which describe 3 language features which inform Label the name of each feature and which purpose it links to.
Show your analysis This suggests that... This shows that... This shows that... This implies that... The use of the word ______ suggests... The use of (name the technique) has the effect of... This makes the reader think/feel... This is designed to affect the reader by... This supports the purpose of the text because...
Swap + annotate Label every time they: Mention a language feature Give a quote showing this feature Use an analysis phrase (e.g. This suggests...) Link the feature to either describe or inform
Revising Q4
What will the questions want? Q4? (hint – 12 marks) Compare how presentational features are used in two of the sources. You need to pick out 3 - 4 presentational features to compare in total. Each comparative paragraph should be made up of the following: Point of comparison (this needs to be a presentational feature) Example of presentational feature from 1st text – why has it been used? What is the effect (multiple interpretations + effect on the reader + effectiveness) Example of presentational feature for 2nd text – why has it been used? What is the effect (multiple interpretations + effect on the reader + effectiveness What the examiner said about Q4 in January: Do not use the phrase ‘it drags you in’ or ‘it stands out’ as this will only get you a Band 1 mark. Candidates are advised to write a lot about a little.
How are presentational features used? http://vodpod.com/watch/16441519-bbc-learning-zone-class-clips-analysing-printed-adverts-english-video?pod=
Compare how presentational features are used in these two texts Remember to: Write about the way the sources are presented Explain the effect of the presentational features Compare the way they look 12 marks
Swap + label where marks would be awarded: Label every time they: Mention a presentational feature Compare the two texts Analyse a feature (e.g. this suggests...) Mention the effect on the reader Mention a multiple interpretation (this could also suggest...)
Compare how presentational features are used in these two texts Remember to: Write about the way the sources are presented Explain the effect of the presentational features Compare the way they look 12 marks
Swap + label where marks would be awarded: Label every time they: Mention a presentational feature Compare the two texts Analyse a feature (e.g. this suggests...) Mention the effect on the reader Mention a multiple interpretation (this could also suggest...)