February 17, 2017 Szymendera_megan@tesd.net 610-240-2031 Language Arts – Star Words List 11 Literature about growing up and Valentine’s Day & Presidents’ Day Listening skills Following directions Rhyming & Patterns Math – Counting to 50 Number Identification to 20 Calendar math Ordinal Numbers Tally Marks Number Bonds Clocks and Time Social Studies – Valentine’s Day & Presidents’ Day Guidance – Good Touch/Bad Touch This week we had our Valentine’s Day party, celebrated Art Goes to School, met with our 3rd grade buddies and learned about Presidents’ Day. We had a blast! For the next week plus the two days of school the following week we will focus on dental health and coins. **REMINDER** Don’t forget that Monday, February 20th is Presidents’ Day and there is no school. Then the following week there is no Kindergarten on Wednesday, March 1st, Thursday, March 2nd, and Friday March 3rd for parent teacher conferences. I am looking forward to seeing you all again to celebrate your child’s growth! Please bring their February Take Home Journal with you so I can see how it is going. Weeks of Feb 21st & 27th Star Word List 12 Tuesday (Day 2) Science Wednesday (Day 3) Art Thursday (Day 4) Library (No Checkouts) Friday (Day 5) Gym Monday (Day 6) Library (Checkouts) Tuesday (Day 1) Music February 20 – No School March 1, 2 & 3 – No Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences (Electronic sign-ups are OPEN!) Szymendera_megan@tesd.net 610-240-2031