Evolution Bell Ringer, Goals and Objectives
April 3, 2019 Wednesday Bell Ringer #3 (Topic: Evolution) What is the definition of evolution? Goal Quizlet Work on Transitional Fossil Project – Print Pictures Objective: Understand transitional species and the trend in evolution
April 4, 2019 Thursday Bell Ringer #4 1) How do common elements (oxygen, hydrogen, carbon) and macromolecules (protein, carbs, lipids and nucleic acids) provide evidence of evolution ? Goal Review for Quiz on Friday – Take notes Work on Project – Transitional Species Objective Understand the process of evolution and finding transitional species in the fossil record
April 5, 2019 Friday Bell Ringer #5 What is a transitional fossil? Define and provide and example Goal Quiz on Genetic Disorder Treatments Review Fossils Timeline activity Objective: Understand major event in the history of the Earth.
April 8, 2019 Monday Bell Ringer #6 How is DNA and protein synthesis evidence of evolution? Goal Card Sorting and Major Events in Earth’s History Objective: Collaborate to put together a semi-accurate timeline of major geological time scale events.
April 9, 2019 Tuesday Bell Ringer #7 How old is the Earth and what evidence is used to support the age? Goal PowerPoint and Notes on Radiometric Dating Practice Problems Objective: Understand the science and apply it to determine ages of different fossils and rocks
April 10, 2019 Wednesday Bell Ringer #8 How does radiometric dating support the theory of evolution? Goal Review Radiometric Dating, fossils, Element and DNA evidence of evolution Research homologous and analogous structure Objective: Compare homologous and analogous structures - draw and compare
Bell Ringer #9 What is a homologous structure and an example What is a homologous structure and example Goal Review homologous and analogous structures Look at homology of whale versus ungulate bones Objective Compare homologous structures and DNA mutations in whale ancestors April 11, 2019
April 12, 2019 Bell Ringer #10 Bell Ringer Sheet Due 1) What is relative dating versus radiometric dating? Goal & Objective Quiz Look at homologous and DNA evidence for whale evolution