“The Roaring Twenties” “The Jazz Age” “The Age of Wonderful Nonsense” 1920-1929
Have you heard? 1. Who was “The Great Bambino”? 2. What is prohibition? 3. Who was Warren G. Harding? 4. What was a “flapper”? 5. When did women receive the right to vote?
“The Great Bambino” ~Babe Ruth Post-war hero “The Curse”: Prior to Ruth leaving Boston for New York, the Red Sox had won five of the first 15 World Series.
Prohibition Alcohol outlawed for 13 years from 1919-1932. 18th Amendment Organized Crime ran rampant
Warren G. Harding 29th President of the United States 1921-1923 “Return to Normalcy”
“Flappers” Young, stylish women who embraced the changes of the new culture. Short skirts and short hair were the rave.
Women get the right to vote ~ August 26, 1920 Women celebrating the victory!!! The 19th Amendment was passed by only one vote.
The Roaring 20’s This was an era of American history that came shortly after WWI. It was a time of economic boom and pro-business government. The era was marked with both social progress and decline. Women received suffrage and gangsters fought over illegal alcohol.
The Roaring 20’s Americans sought isolation from the rest of the world and distrusted all immigrants. It was a time of records – Lindy’s flight and “The Sultan of Swat” or “The Great Bambino”.
The Spirit of St. Louis The Smithsonian Institute; Washington, DC
The Roaring 20’s