Ag.02_03 Actions from previous meeting 26&27 March 2015 Doc.A6465/15/09 Ag.02_03 Actions from previous meeting 26&27 March 2015 Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Meeting in Luxembourg 26th & 27th March 2015
Content of this presentation Action points from minutes of the meeting of the combined A64&65 Working Group held on 26th & 27th March 2015 in Luxembourg Draft minutes were circulated 14.4.2014 for comment by 30.4.2014 There were no comments
Action points meeting 26&27.3.2015 STATUS 1 Ag.22 ESTAT to circulate draft minutes of meeting. DONE. Draft sent by email 14.4.2014 with deadline 30.4..2015 Final (no changes): onto CIRCABC (restricted) 29.1.2016 2 Ag.22 ESTAT to make powerpoint presentations available from joint meeting. DONE. Onto CIRCABC (restricted) 27.3.2015 3 Ag.22 ESTAT to make room documents available on restricted CIRCABC site 4 Ag.22 ESTAT to make authorised documents and powerpoints available to general public. DONE. Onto CIRCABC (public) 27.3.2015 5 + 6 Ag.3 MS delegates to provide information about national practices for adjustment of expatriate remuneration + MS delegates to disseminate handout to promote awareness. DONE. Replies from 6 MS by deadline 31.7.2015 = AOB info.topic for this meeting. 7 Ag.7 ESTAT to replace ranking tables 3A/B and 5A/B in intermediate report with listing by official order DONE. Report issued April 2015. = agenda point 5.1 for this meeting. 8 Ag.9.1 ESTAT to publish information at level of analytical categories DONE. = agenda point 6.2 for this meeting.
STATUS 9 Ag.9.2 ESTAT to integrate FBS for active staff in DEBer+Bon+Kar+Mun, FR, IE, NL, UKCul for July 2015 CC DONE. Note: IE, UKCul insufficient replies. 10 Ag.9.2 ESTAT to integrate FBS for pensioners in all MS for July 2016 CC DONE. = agenda point 8.3 this meeting 11 Ag.9.3 ESTAT to review EARS districts with ISRP and ONS for July 2015 CC DELAYED. = agenda point 8.4 this meeting 12 Ag.11 ESTAT to correct table on pages 20 and 21 of the Intra-EU methodology manual DONE. Onto CIRCABC (public) 13.4.2015 13 Ag.12.1 ESTAT to prepare Education PPP methodology paper by 30.4.2015 and MS to comment by 31.5.2015 DONE. Onto CIRCA (public) 25.6.2015. Integrated for July 2015. = agenda point 10.1 this meeting. 14 Ag.12.2 ESTAT to apply Healthcare PPP methodology for July 2015 CC DONE. 15 Ag.13 ESTAT to finalise CC and JBLI for Intermediate Report by 30.4.2015 DONE. Published 20.4.2015 = agenda point 5.1 this meeting. 16 Ag.15 ESTAT and MS to finalise A65 country manuals by agreed timetable DELAYED. = agenda point 16 this meeting
STATUS 17 Ag.15 ESTAT to go live with Statistics Explained pages in autumn 2015 DONE. November 2015 = agenda points 6.1 and 14.1 this meeting. 18 Ag.16 ESTAT to integrate A64 and A65 elements for 2015 annual report DONE. October 2015 = agenda points 5.4 and 13.2 this meeting 19 Ag.17 ESTAT to go live with proposed free data tables in autumn 2015 DONE. November 2015 = agenda point 14.1 this meeting. 20 Ag.19 MS to finalise SI and CI for Intermediate Report by 30.4.2015 DONE. Published 20.4.2015 = agenda point 13.1 this meeting. 21 Ag.20 ESTAT and MS to implement work plan as presented. DONE. Progress = topics for this meeting… 22 Ag.21 ESTAT to prepare Mission Expenses methodology paper by 31.5.2015 and MS to comment by 30.6.2015 DGHR to prepare delegated act by 31.12.2015 DONE. = agenda point 21 this meeting. DELAYED. Commission Communication December 2015
Documents issued after last WG Date Reference Title 27.3.15 Doc.A6465/15/08rev Mini Survey 13.4.15 Doc.A6465/14/59rev Intra-EU CC method manual 24.4.15 Doc.A6465/15/02rev Analytical Categories 25.6.15 Doc.A6465/15/10rev Education PPP 11.6.15 Doc.A6465/15/11 Mission expenses 20.4.15 Ares(2015)1660037 Intermediate Report (Intra-EU) Ares(2015)1638258 Intermediate Report (Extra-EU)