Linny Pacillo Parking Garage State of Alaska Robert B. Atwood Building
Basic Info The new Linny Pacillo Parking Garage opens September 9, 2008. Hours of Operation are Robert B. Atwood Employee’s & Visitors 6:00am-5:30pm Monday-Friday Public Parking 5:30pm-2:30am Monday-Friday 6:00am-2:30am Saturday & Sunday The garage is closed from 2:30am-6:00am daily Entrance to the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage is on E Street Max Vehicle Heights / Weight Floor 2 Max Height 8’2” Max Weight 6,000lbs Floors 3-10 Max Height 6’10” Max Weight 6,000lbs The Linny Pacillo Parking Garage exits to 7th Ave Left Lane must turn Left to go East on 7th Ave Right Lane must turn Right to go West on 7th Ave
Transition Lot 102 Parkers need to bring their current hang tag to the Building Management Office, Suite 130, between August 15, 2008 and September 5, 2008. They will be given a new decal and will be required to sign a new, updated version of the parking agreement you already signed. JC Penney and Muni Parking Cards will not work starting 3:00am September 9, 2008. JC Penney and Muni Parkers need to bring their current parking cards to the Building Management Office, Suite 130, between September 9, 2008 and September 22, 2008. JC Penney’s and Muni parkers are required to turn in their current parking cards or pay $20.00 fine as imposed by the Municipality of Anchorage to replace the card, whether or not they need new parking. They will be given a new decal and will be required to sign a new, updated version of the parking agreement you already signed. If by September 23, 2008 you have not seen Building Management about turning in your old parking items for new and signing a new parking agreement, Your Parking access will be turned off , your parking privileges will be revoked, and your vehicle will be TOWED!
New Decal’s The Robert B. Atwood Building is changing their vehicle identification system. All vehicles will need to have a new decal affixed to the rear window, drivers side. If an employee desires they may transfer their new decal between cars, but use caution as constant pealing will weaken the adhesive. Any vehicle in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage floors 3-10 or state surface lots, Lot 72 & 102, without a new decal after September 22, 2008 will be towed.
Parking Instructions Employees are allowed to park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage for SOA Robert B. Atwood Business only. Swipe Access Card at Card Reader at the Entrance Park on floors 3-10 If the parking garage is full or if your vehicle is too large, Lot 79 and102 are still available for State of Alaska Robert B. Atwood employee parking only during business hours. The Linny Pacillo Parking Garage gates will open daily from 4:00pm-5:00pm to allow easier exiting. 2 Hour Visitors to the Atwood Building Pull Ticket at Entrance on E street Park on the 2nd floor of the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage Upon completion of business at the Atwood Building, have the Atwood Building Security Guard or Building Management validate ticket. Your validated ticket will have a 15 minute grace period to exit the garage. If you have not exited the garage after 15 minutes, you will be charged for parking. Use validated ticket to exit the garage
ADA The Linny Pacillo Parking Garage will have marked ADA parking spaces available for SOA Employees on floors 3-10. There will also be 10 accessible parking spaces available in Lot 79. These spaces are on a first come-first serve basis and will not be assigned to specific employees. SOA Employees ARE NOT allowed to park in Visitor ADA spaces 2nd floor of the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage during building open hours. If there are no State of Alaska ADA spaces available, employees will need to park in a regular employee space.
After Hours Parking SOA Robert B. Atwood Employees working after hours may park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. The employee will need to… Pull a ticket upon entrance to the Garage Check in with the Security Guard at the Atwood Building Check out with the Security Guard at the Atwood Building to have ticket validated Your validated ticket will have a 15 minute grace period to exit the garage. If you have not exited the garage after 15 minutes, you will be charged for parking. The Linny Pacillo Parking Garage closes to all parkers daily 2:30am-6:00am. Lot 79 and 102 will also be available for parking after hours and on weekends at no charge.
BIKES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ELEVATOR LOBBY’S Bicycles SOA Atwood Employees will have the ability to keep their bikes in a 14’x14’ secure cage on the 2nd floor of the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage or in bike racks in the plaza and behind the Robert B. Atwood Building. The cage will be accessible only to those who register with Building Management. Access to the bike cage will be with your Robert B. Atwood Access Card. Access to the cage will be via the stairwells or vehicle ramp only. Individuals will still need to secure their bike. Building Management is not responsible for lost or stolen bikes. BIKES ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ELEVATOR LOBBY’S
Long Term Parking Robert B. Atwood Visitors may park in Lot 79 or 102 if they are going to be attending an all day conference in the Robert B. Atwood Building. A Temporary Hangtag needs to be acquired from Building Management. Visitors are required to follow the Robert B. Atwood SOA Employee Parking Rules and Policy. If there are no parking spaces available, individuals are responsible for providing their own parking. Robert B. Atwood SOA Employees May park in Lots 79 or 102 overnight. Due to security reasons there will be NO OVERNIGHT PARKING of personal in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. Personal vehicles left overnight in the garage will be TOWED.
Motorcycles The Linny Pacillo Parking Garage will have (6) six motorcycle parking spaces on level 2 for both state employees and visitors to use. Motorcyclists need to read all posted signs and use care and caution while parking in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. The (4) four motorcycle parking spaces in Lot 79 will still remain available for use. SOA employees also have the option of parking their motorcycles in a regular vehicle spot.
State of Alaska Owned & Operated Vehicles State of Alaska Owned and Operated Vehicles may park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage on floors 9 & 10. These vehicles are the only authorized vehicles to remain in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage overnight. They will need to be registered with Building Management. We will need… Point of Contact Vehicle License Plate Number Vehicle Make, Model, Color, & Year Each vehicle will receive its own Access Card and Decal. If when returning a vehicle there are no open parking spaces, the vehicle will need to be parked in Lot 102.
LOT 102 The State of Alaska is considering opening Lot 102 up to a limited number of sister agencies in the surrounding area on October 1, 2008 for parking. The sister agencies will be required to abide by the Rules and Regulations that will govern the lot. They will be provided a decal identifying their vehicle as a sister agency vehicle.
Thank You On behalf of Department of Administration, Division of General Services and the Robert B. Atwood Building Management staff, thank you for your patience and cooperation in this exciting time.
Area Map
Garage Map Elevator Lobby
Second Glance Click on the section below to be taken back to that slide. Basic Information Transition Decal’s Parking Instructions ADA After Hours Parking Bicycles Long term Parking Motorcycles State of Alaska Owned and Operated Vehicles Area Map Garage Map FAQ’s
FAQ’s Will Vanpool Vans be able to park in the parking garage? Yes, if it is less than 6’10” tall and assigned to a State of Alaska Robert B. Atwood employee. Lots 79 and 102 are also available. For those of us parking in lot 102, will we need a different parking pass? Yes, we are changing to a new, uniform decal for all Surface lots and the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. Will the pass be transferable between my two vehicles? Yes, however, if the pass is moved too many times, the adhesive will wear off. If I am already parking in Lot 102, do I need to reserve my parking in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? No, Parking for all Surface Lots and the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage will be on a first come first serve basis. Will there be assigned spaces in the parking garage? No, all parking spaces in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage, to include the ADA spaces will be first come, first serve. What are the Business Hours of the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? The garage will be available to State Employees stationed to the Atwood Building 6:00am-2:30am while working in the Atwood Building. The garage is available for visitors to the Robert B. Atwood Building for a maximum of 2 hours Monday thru Friday 6:00am – 5:30pm. The garage is available for Public Parking 5:30pm -2:30am Monday thru Friday and 6:00am-2:30am Saturday and Sunday. Are Building Occupants considered “Public” during non-business hours? SOA Robert B. Atwood employees not on SOA business in the Robert B. Atwood building are considered “Public” during non-business hours and will need to pay to utilize the garage. How many entrances and exits are there to and from the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? There is a two lane entrance to the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage from E Street. The exit to the garage is on 7th Ave. Left lane is left turn only to travel East on 7th Ave. Right lane is right turn only to travel West on 7th Ave. What will we use to access the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? Your Robert B. Atwood Access Card will allow you access to the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. Are State of Alaska Employees permitted to park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage for free when not working? No, when an employee is not at work in the Robert B. Atwood Building, they must pay to park. How does an employee enter and exit the parking garage after hours? How does an employee enter and exit the parking garage after hours? A Robert B. Atwood employee that has worked overtime in the Atwood building can enter or exit the garage during garage open hours 6:00am-2:30am. An employee that needs to enter the garage after “building hours” needs to pull a ticket, enter the garage and park. Once the employee has finished their business in the Atwood building, they may get their ticket validated at the Atwood Security Desk allowing the employee to leave without paying. An employee who enters the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage during business hours and works past business hours will be able to leave the parking garage by scanning their access card.
FAQ’s Continued Will ADA parkers keep their reserved parking spaces? No, we have 19 ADA spaces in the parking garage and are adding 10 State Accessible spaces in Lot 79 available for State of Alaska employees with a DMV placard or handicap license plate. These spaces will be on a first come, first serve basis. How will access to the Bike Cage on the 2nd floor be granted? An employee desiring to park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage Secure Bike Cage will need to contact Building Management. Building Management will program the individual’s Robert B. Atwood Access Card to unlock the Secure Gate. How many parking spaces will be available for SOA employees in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? There will be approximately 800 parking spaces available in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage for SOA employees. Are cyclists expected to carry their bikes up the stairs? No. Cyclists are encouraged to use the vehicle ramp to get their bikes to the second floor. If an employee is uncomfortable using the vehicle ramp, they may carry their bike up the stairs. How will the transition happen from the various garages to the new Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? Starting Mid-August surface parkers will be able to bring in their hangtags and exchange them for the new Decal’s. Access cards for the Muni Parking Garages will be turned off the morning of September 9th. On September 9th parkers must use either the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage or the state surface lots, Lot 79 & Lot 102. Muni Garage Parkers will have until September 22, 2008 to turn in either their Muni Garage Parking card or $20.00. Anyone who has not turned in their Muni card or paid by September 23, 2008 will have their parking access turned off, parking privileges revoked and are subject to being towed at the owners expense. Who is Linny Pacillo? Linny Pacillo was an Anchorage resident who with her sister, found a peaceful solution to express their displeasure with parking enforcement in the Anchorage area by feeding parking meters in the mid 90’s. They became known as Anchorage’s “Parking Fairies” Where does the public validate their ticket? Visitors to the Robert B. Atwood Building may validate their ticket at either the Atwood Building Security Guard Desk or Building Management, Suite 130. Where does the public pay for parking? There are 6 places the public can pay for parking. The Elevator lobby in the SW corner of the building has two walk up machines, that accept cash and credit and will give paper change. In the west exit lane, there is both a booth that will be manned during peak hours, and a pay machine that can accept both cash and credit, and will give coin change. The east exit lane and the alternate exit lane on E street both accept credit cards only. They do not give change. All of the machines accept validated tickets. Will employees that have Executive Parking be able to park in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage? Employees with Executive Parking will not receive parking in the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage. If they desire it, they may relinquish their parking in the executive garage in exchange for access to the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage.