Aim: Would you have agreed with the Enlightenment thinkers? Do Now: Is there anything that is beyond the power of the human mind? If yes, how do you know?
I What was the Enlightenment? The Scientific Revolution (16-17th centuries) allowed for the understanding of universal natural laws in science, such as the existence of gravity. By the early 18th century, a revolution in human thinking began called the Enlightenment. Thinkers of the Enlightenment (called philosophes) set out to find natural laws that govern human behavior to solve the problems of society. They believed that nothing is beyond the reach of the human mind.
II Hobbes vs. Locke Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were both 17th century English philosophes. They came to very different conclusions about human nature and the role of government. “During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that conditions called war; and such a war, as if of every man, against every man.” - Hobbes “All mankind... being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions.” – Locke
Thomas Hobbes John Locke Wrote The Leviathan Wrote Two Treatises of Government Believed people to be naturally selfish. Believed people to be naturally moral The best form of government is an absolute monarchy, that can impose order and obedience. All people are born with natural rights, including the right to life, liberty and property The best form of government has limited power and needs to be accepted by all citizens. If a government violates its citizens natural rights, the people have a right to overthrow the government.
III Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) Montesquieu was a French philosophe. He believed the best way to protect liberty is to divide the powers of government among three branches; the legislative, executive and judicial. His ideas influenced our system of checks and balances! “When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person… there can be no liberty…”
IV Voltaire (1694 – 1778) Voltaire was a French philosophe who used literary wit to attack social injustices, including religious intolerance and slavery. “Men are equal; it is not birth but virtue that makes the difference. “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.”
“I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.” V Rousseau A French philosophe who wrote The Social Contract. Rousseau believed that people in the state of nature are naturally good. However, society corrupts which is why limited government is necessary. A social contract between all members of society is necessary for a just government. The good of the “general will” or the greater community should be put above individual interests. “I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.”
VI Mary Wollstonecraft Mary Wollstonecraft wrote The Vindication of the Rights of Woman. She called for the equal education of boys and girls. “Make women rational creatures, and free citizens, and they will quickly become good wives; - that is, if men do not neglect the duties of husbands and fathers.” “I do not wish them [women] to have power over men; but over themselves” - Mary Wollstonecraft
VII Adam Smith British economist Adam Smith wrote The Wealth of Nations. He argued for a free market that regulates itself. Economic growth is linked to the free market forces of supply and demand. He also argued for a policy of laissez-faire: businesses can operate with little to no government regulation. All money is a matter of belief. Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality... for one very rich man, there must be at least five hundred poor.
VIII An Enlightened Society A) Denis Diderot produced a 28 volume set of books called The Encyclopedia. His purpose was to “change the general way of thinking” by explaining topics such as government, philosophy and religion. As many of the articles praised free speech and criticized slavery and traditional religion, the Pope tried to ban it.
An Enlightened Society Continued… B) By the 17th century, writers, artists and philosophes began meeting in taverns, coffeehouses, and salons (informal social gatherings). The salons began when French noblewomen began meetings in their homes.
IX Enlightened Despots Absolute monarchs who embraced enlightenment ideas were called enlightened despots. 1. Frederick II “Frederick The Great” ruled Prussia 1740 – 1786. Allowed a free press and reduced the use of torture. Allowed some religious freedom. Frederick II “In my kingdom… everyone can go to heaven in his own fashion.”
Enlightened Despots Continued… 2. Catherine II “Catherine the Great” exchanged letters with Voltaire and Diderot. She praised Voltaire as someone who had “fought the united enemies of humankind: superstition, fanaticism, ignorance, trickery.” Abolished torture She wanted to free the serfs but knew the Russian nobles would revolt or kill her. Catherine the Great
X Revolutions
Summary Questions What was the enlightenment? How was it related to the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution? What did Hobbes and Locke believe? Who do you agree with more and why? NOT INCLUDING HOBBES AND LOCKE, which TWO enlightenment philosophes do you most agree with and why? If you could have a salon in your own home, who would you invite [dead or alive] and why? Choose at least 2 people and justify your answer. Were the “enlightened despots” truly enlightened? How do you know? How do you think the Enlightenment influence revolutions?
Key Vocabulary Adam Smith American Revolution Catherine the Great Declaration of Independence Diderot Enlightened Despot Enlightenment Frederick II French Revolution John Locke Mary Wollstonecraft Natural Laws Philosophes Rousseau Social Contract Thomas Hobbes Voltaire