Regional Arts Info. Night Mayfield S.S. Regional Arts Info. Night Academics, Arts, Athletics, Citizenship If you are parked in a non-designated parking space (eg. grass, fire route, etc), please move your car immediately. Overflow parking can be found at James Grieve Public School, just north of the Recreation Centre. Drama & Dance: Auditorium Bussing: Foyer (Dance to Gym C after presentation for breakout session) Visual Arts: Cafeteria Music: Gym A/B Welcome to Mayfield’s information night for admission to our Regional Arts Program. Tonight starts a process which will take you well into the new year as you and your daughter or son consider her or his future. My name is __________________________and I am the ________Principal here at Mayfield. I’m going to begin the evening by giving you some basic and very general information about the program. The latter part of the evening will be held in break out sessions where you’ll be able to ask questions specific to the arts area to which you intend to apply. So, to begin …
Regional Arts Program (RAP) Students enrolled in Mayfield RAP: Dance Drama Music Visual Arts study a full range of academic credit courses leading to an Ontario Secondary School Diploma Extra curricular clubs and sports Students who come to the Regional Arts Program at Mayfield will specialize in one of four arts areas – Dance, Drama, Music or Visual Arts; will participate in an active athletic program with a wide variety of individual and team sports offered; and will take a full range of academic programs leading to an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Mayfield S.S- 1800 students Strong Academics EQAO OSSLT (Literacy) 89% EQAO Math 85% (Academic) 60 % Applied Strong athletic program, many extracurricular clubs. Safe and caring school environment
Eligibility Grade 8 students must be residents in Peel Region, and live north of the 401, for the RAP program proof of residency is required prior to an audition students in the public, Catholic and private systems are welcome to apply out-of-region students who meet the criteria may also be considered You are eligible to apply to Mayfield’s RAP if you live in Peel District and north of the 401. Students in both the public and Catholic systems are welcome to apply.
Admission Requirements demonstrated ability, potential, energy, enthusiasm, desire, self-discipline, and a 4 year commitment to the Arts and Academic courses record of good attendance a strong commitment to academic success Offers are extended to those students who through their application package and audition, show a demonstrated ability, potential, energy, enthusiasm, desire, self-discipline and a commitment to the arts; have a record of regular attendance; and who have good to excellent grades and good to excellent learning skills.
Application Process Completed applications will be accepted online starting October 28th The last day to submit the Application package is November 20th by 11:59 p.m. No Elementary teacher referrals are required with this application
Application Package Includes: Notice of Use of Information Form Student/parent questionnaire; Peel students submit most recent report card. (Term one if you did not receive a Term 2 report) Non-Peel must provide most recent Grade 8 report card, Final Grade 7 report card, If applicant has an IEP it must be provided, parent/guardian information and student information section; $40 non-refundable audition fee The completed application package has 5 parts …. Notice of Use of Information Form Biographical Data Sheet; Student questionnaire, most recent Grade 8 report card, Grade 7 report card; parent/guardian information and student information section; $40 non-refundable audition fee.
Audition Requirements Audition dates- January 27, 28, and 29 between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Audition appointments will be assigned online at the time of application Audition requirements are specified in the audition package provided in the breakout sessions following this presentation.
Notification of Decision Offers will be emailed to successful applicants on Feb.8th, 2016. Students will receive all program offers on this day. If students apply to multiple programs, they may receive more than one offer. If students do not receive an offer on this day, it doesn’t mean they will not be provided a spot in a program. They may get into a program during the next round of offers.
Offers must be accepted no later than Feb. 12, 2016 at 4 p.m.. If students do not accept spots in a program by Feb. 12th , second round offers will go out on Feb. 16th. Once students make program decisions, they cannot change their minds and accept spots in different regional programs. This means the program you accept an offer from by Feb. 12th is the program you will attend in September 2016. Regional program schools will send second round offers on Feb. 16th, 2016
Orientation Sessions Orientation sessions will be held at Mayfield for each discipline in late April and May. Notice regarding the date will be provided when your acceptance is confirmed.
Offer acceptance To accept an offer, you will need to reply by the deadline. You will need to reply to the offer email you receive. When you confirm program participation, you will be asked to pay your program fees. Directions will be provided. Students will only be officially admitted into the program once program fees are received. Fees will be paid for online using a third-party service provider. If you don’t have a credit card or bank card, fees can be paid in-person with a cheque made payable to the school .
Program Expectations RAP students are expected to: Maintain overall academic achievement/effort that reflects individual potential, i.e. working at or striving for Level 3 in all subject areas Maintain good attendance and punctuality; Maintain high levels of participation and responsibility in the RAP program and all other courses Once accepted, we’re looking for continuation of the same demonstration of performance and achievement which got you admitted in the first place …
Placement All students will be placed in regional programs by Feb. 20, 2016. Out of Region students will be considered after the second round of offers.
4 Year Commitment Rap students are expected to commit to the full 4 year program – 2 RAP credits per year Supporting student success – students experiencing academic difficulties will meet in consultation with their parents, vp and counsellor Withdrawal or demission from the program may necessitate returning to your home school as per board policy Students are expected to commit to the full 4 year program Supporting student success – probation process will include Early Warning Reports and In-School Review Committee Withdrawal or demission from the program will necessitate returning to your home school as per board policy
Regional Arts Grade Program Timetable - Sample GRADE 9 Timetable Grade 11 Timetable Semester One Period 1 - Math Period 1 - English Period 2 – RAP Course Period 2 - Math Period 3 - Lunch Period 3 – Rap course Period 4 – French Period 4 – Lunch Period 5 - Science Period 5 - Optional Semester Two Period 1 – Phys Ed. Period 1 – Rap Course Period 2 - Geography Period 2 - Lunch Period 3 - RAP Course Period 3 - Science Period 4 - Lunch Period 4 - Optional Period 5 - English Period 5 - Optional When you begin your RAP here at Mayfield your timetable could look like this … It means that you’ll be taking two RAP credits each of you four years in secondary school at Mayfield.
Mayfield RAP Certificate Required RAP – 8 successfully earned RAP credits If you follow this sort of timetable you will receive a Mayfield RAP Certificate, I.e., you complete the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma – 18 compulsory credits, plus the RAP credits and an additional 6 optional credits for a total of 12 optional credits and 30 credits in total.
Curriculum Features: Mayfield RAP Secondary School with access to specialized arts curriculum and programs facilities: All RAP courses follow the Ministry guidelines for Music, Dance, Drama. and Visual Arts These course outlines are available for viewing on the Ministry website The benefits for RAP students at Mayfield are that they are enrolled in a regular secondary school with access to specialized arts programs and excellent facilities.
Curriculum Features: Mayfield RAP Academic and Applied level students can take RAP Broad range of courses Special Education support for students studying with an IEP
Student Fees Next year’s RAP fee is $200 to support Arts program initiatives and enhancements
Transportation Regular school bus service is provided for students living within Mayfield Secondary School boundaries – North of Mayfield sideroad Private transportation arrangements need to be made for students who live outside Mayfield home school boundaries – information will be available at the time of acceptance Regular school bus service is provided for students living within Mayfield Secondary School boundaries – North of Mayfield sideroad. Private transportation arrangements need to be made for students who live outside Mayfield home school boundaries – information will be available at the time of acceptance
Next Steps Go to the additional information session tonight for the area you would like to audition for At the end of the presentation and questions, audition packages will be available
More specific information is available at the following locations: Dance Gym C Music Gym A/B Visual Arts Cafeteria Drama Auditorium Bussing Information will be available in Foyer throughout the evening Now, please proceed to your break out session. Those interested in the Dance program will in Gym C. Those interested in Music will meet in Gym A/B. Those interested in Visual Arts will meet in the Cafeteria and those interested in Drama will remain here in the auditorium.
Mayfield Secondary School Thank you for attending. Academics, Arts, Athletics, Citizenship