Newbury Park High School Counseling Department Presents… Your Four Year Path & Beyond!
Where Do I Begin? Course and credit requirements High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Admission requirements for college –CSU/UC, Independent &Community Colleges Preparation for additional training and an occupation -Majors Program -R.O.P -D.A.T.A. -Work Experience -Moorpark College Classes
Graduation Requirements 230 total credits required for graduation 4 terms of English 3 terms of Math 2 terms of Science ( 1 Physical, 1 Biological ) 1 term of each: World History & U.S. History 1 subterm of each: U.S.Government and Economics 1 term of Visual/Perf. Arts or Foreign Lang. 1 subterm of Health 2 terms of Physical Education Electives
Graduation Requirements Sample Schedule: Grade 9 Term 1 2. English 9 3. Health & Careers/Geog. 4. Earth Science Please Note: You may also take Period One academic classes. Term 2 2. Math 3. Elective 4. Physical Education
Graduation Requirements Sample Schedule: Grade 10 Term 1 English 10 PE or Second Elective Elective Term 2 Math Biology World History
Graduation Requirements Sample Schedule: Grade 11 Term 1 Math U.S. History Elective Term 2 English 11 Elective
Graduation Requirements Sample Schedule: Grade 12 Term 1 English 12 U.S. Govt./Economics Elective You must take 50 credits senior year Term 2 Visual/Performing Arts Elective
The High School Exit Exam California State Law: All students must pass the CAHSEE in order to receive a diploma Two Parts: 1) Language Arts 2) Mathematics Taken twice a year until a student passes both parts! You must also complete an algebra course.
College Information Sophomore YearJunior Year PSAT – OctoberPSAT - October The SAT Subject Tests SAT, ACT, SAT Subject Sophomore CounselingCollege Preparation Seminars College Visits! Senior Year SAT, ACT College Applications Due in the Fall College Workshops in October Financial Aid Seminar – January College Information Night
College Requirements English – 4 terms Math – 3 terms ( 4 recommended ) Lab Sciences – 2 terms ( 3 recommended ) Biology, Chemistry, Physics. History/Social Science – 2 terms Foreign Language – 2 terms of same language ( 3-4 recommended ) Visual/Performing Arts – 1 term Electives – 1 term *All courses must be CP level or higher to satisfy College Requirements; marks must be C or higher.
College Bound Student Sample Schedule: Grade 9 Term 1 English 9 CP Earth Science CP Health/Career Prep/Geography Term 2 Algebra 1CP/Geometry CP Foreign Language 1 CP PE 9
College Bound Student Sample Schedule: Grade 10 Term 1 English 10 CP Language 2 CP Biology CP Term 2 Geometry CP/Algebra 2CP PE or VPA World History CP
College Bound Student Sample Schedule: Grade 11 Term 1 English 11 CP Language 3 CP Chemistry CP Term 2 Algebra 2 CP/Functions, Trig. & Stats CP/Math Analysis CP Visual/Performing Art or College Prep Elective U.S. History CP
College Bound Student Sample Schedule: Grade 12 Term 1 English 12 CP Language 4 AP U.S.Government/ Economics CP Term 2 Math Analysis CP/Statistics AP/Discrete Math/ Calculus AP Physics (recommended) Elective CP
ADVANCED PLACEMENT What is it? How does it work? What are the costs? When do I take the exams? How do I earn college credit? Where can I find more information?
International Baccalaureate What is it? How does it work? What are the costs? When are the exams? College credit? More information –
TYPICAL FRESHMAN HONORS PROGRAM English 9H Geometry H Chemistry H Foreign Language Level I or Level II Health and Career Choices/Geography Physical Education
THE SOPHOMORE YEAR English 10H European History AP Algebra 2H Biology H Foreign Language II OR III Physical Education or Elective
JUNIOR YEAR English 11H/IB Math Analysis H Physics H or AP U.S. History AP Foreign Language III or IV(AP or IB) U.S. Govt. AP/Economics H Theory of Knowledge (Full Diploma IB only)
YOURE A SENIOR! English 12 AP/IB Calculus AP, Math Studies IB, or Statistics AP Chemistry AP/IB or Biology /AP/IB Twentieth Century Themes IB or U.S. Govt. AP/ Economics H Foreign Language IV(AP/IB) or V(AP/IB) Elective Theory of Knowledge (Full Diploma IB only)
Preparing For An Occupation And Special Training In High School Courses
Special Programs and Resources Majors ProgramD.A.T.A. College & Career CenterR.O.P. Work ExperienceMoorpark College Classes
NPHS Counseling Department A – D Mr. Intlekofer E-Ko Mr. Severns Kr-PhMs. Lopez (and 504 Plans) Pi-TaMs. Villavicencio (and ELL) Te– Z Mrs. Swavely (and IEPs)
Important Links!
This presentation and a wealth of information can be found on our website at