State name, state nickname, motto, and flag Put your names as reporters on this page.
Map, geographical region, border states
State capital, governor, population (rank), three largest cities
State bird, flower, and other interesting information
Geography/physical features of the area (rivers, mountains, lakes)
Famous people and events
Tourism slide 1 Tell about place to see. Where it’s located, how much it cost, best time of year to see it.
Tourism slide 2 Tell about place to see. Where it’s located, how much it cost, best time of year to see it.
Tourism slide 3 Tell about place to see. Where it’s located, how much it cost, best time of year to see it.
Conclusion Tell why you think this is a great state and what you learned about the state you didn’t know before. What made this a special place for you to research.
Resources List all the sources you used to find your information. Include informaiton, images, and sounds.