Make it a Great Day! Monday, April 23rd 2018 Opening Warm-up: What do you know or think you know about the physical geography (land) and human geography (culture) of Monsoon Asia (The rest of Asia – like India, China, Japan, Korea). Create a T-Chart to organize your ideas. Work Session: Make-ups and Recoveries over Unit 6 Test – SW & Central Asia (71%) Pre-Test over Unit 7 – Monsoon Asia Individual Mapping Assignment over Unit 7 – Monsoon Asia Introductory Reading and note-taking over Unit 7 – Monsoon Asia – pgs. 390-397 Closing Cool-down: List at least one new thing you learned about the physical AND human geography of Monsoon Asia today. Essential Question(s): What is my background knowledge of Monsoon Asia? What and where are significant physical features of Monsoon Asia? SSWG 1f Materials you will need: Writing Utensil & Geography Notebook Unit 7 Pre-Test over Monsoon Asia Unit 7 Individual Mapping Assignment over Monsoon Asia Textbook – pgs. 390-397