Northwood Health and Fitness We are committed to guiding all youth in becoming physically educated and fit learners who pursue a healthy and active life.
Our Philosophy We believe: health and fitness is a crucial part of the learning process a positive learning experience in health and fitness will be a contributing factor in all aspects of life We know: there is a direct link between the level of physical activity and academic learning
Some of our units include: Curriculum 7th Grade – Concentrating on individual skill development, cooperative activities and fitness. 8th Grade – Emphasis is applying team strategies to a variety of sports and fitness. Some of our units include: Traditional – flag football, basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball, etc Nontraditional – Frisbee, archery, lacrosse, dance/aerobics etc. Most units are 3 weeks in length. Fitness day – focus on strengthening your cardiovascular endurance.
Attire Dressing down when working out is an essential part of maintaining appropriate hygiene and social norms. Appropriate clothes are essential for physical activities shorts or workout pants, t-shirt and/or sweatshirt no zippers or buttons no cargo shorts no tank tops / v-necks / sleeveless tees gym shoes and socks shoes should provide proper support for running and they should be lace up not slip on A non suit for a day will constitute a loss of ½ your daily points
Northwood’s dress code of finger-length attire still applies in PE
Grading You will receive a grade for each portion of the class: - physical activity -fitness -health/academic 10 points are available each day effort, attitude, sportsmanship, attention and preparedness for class not skill level Percentage breakdown: 50% - Performance: This entails all the active/sport time. This 50% is based on your participation in the activity, not skill level. 25% - Health: You will spend 9 weeks in the health room broken up into 3 week rotations throughout the year. 25% -Fitness Day – One day each week we will do a cardio-respiratory activity. Our goal is to have all students running 20 continuous minutes by semester.
Locker Room You will be issued a lock and assigned a locker. Keep clothes and belongings locked at all times! don’t share your combination with anyone. If you remember to lock up your lock, your property will be safe keep your clothes in your own locker. The teacher will not open another person’s locker for you. No sprays of any kind are allowed in the locker room. Behaviors such as running and hitting do not belong in the locker room and will not be tolerated.
Absences If you cannot participate fully in class for medical reasons, you need to bring a note to excuse you from some or all participation. Your note must: Be written, dated and signed by your parent or guardian. Be from a doctor if the illness or injury is for more than 3 days. ANY Note: We ask for notes to state what activities you CANNOT do, and for how long, as well as a recommended list of activities you CAN perform. Participation, if at all possible, is highly encouraged. Remember that if you are absent or don’t participate in an activity, you can still make-up your lost points by completing a make-up form. This class is performance based on participation and effort and when you are absent you need to check with your teacher about a makeup form. These are located in the locker room offices and offer various activities you can complete to earn your points for the day. YOU HAVE UP TO FIVE SCHOOL DAYS TO COMPLETE THE FORM, unless otherwise discussed with your teacher.
Gym Expectations You must be ready to exit the locker room when told by staff. Coming into your activity space after being dismissed could result in a tardy Only enter the activity space when a supervising teacher is present Enter into any activity space calmly and without touching equipment and whiteboards Go straight into your warm-up routine (usually cardio warm-up) or squad lines Do not go behind the bleachers unless you’re assigned Use the bathroom BEFORE leaving the locker room
Locker Room Rules * At no point are cell phones to be used in the locker rooms. ****If a cell phone is used in the locker room, a disciplinary referral will be made to administration. *Absolutely NO horseplay or running. *Keep hands, feet, objects, and negative comments to yourself. Sit on benches not on top of lockers or shower walls. Use inside voice No Food or Sports Drinks (Water Bottles Only).
Keep locker room clean. Garbage goes in trash cans Keep locker room clean. Garbage goes in trash cans! Lost and found items go in the bin near shower area. Always LOCK your Locker or basket. (When you’re changing, keep all items in your sight or locked up!) Long lockers are only for use during PE class period. PE ALWAYS LOCK up your clothes, backpacks and laptops in the long locker.
Arrive on time to locker room. Bring a signed note if excused Arrive on time to locker room! Bring a signed note if excused. An Unexcused tardy will be recorded. Be dressed and ready for dismissal to gym! Wait for bell to ring before leaving locker room at end of class period. Only students in PE classes allowed in locker. (Do not come during lunch or between classes without a note.) Do not clean shoes in the locker room. NO adult = NO students in locker room.
Due to students with allergies, spray deodorants, cologne, or perfume are not allowed in the locker room. Cell phones can’t be used in locker room or brought to gym class. Keep them turned off and in your backpack.
9th grade PE credit