FlipGrid Arguments
Flip Grid- On your phone (app) or computer (link) I post a prompt, you create a video response. You can see one another’s responses and interact.
Today’s task: Download the flipgrid app or open the website on your computer. Enter the flipgrid code: mrsjankowski Complete the posted activity about Birthright Citizenship. Read the prompt View the 3 resources provided: 2 videos and 1 informative document. Develop your own argumentative response outlining your perspective using claims and evidence, and addressing opposing counter claims with a rebuttal. Post a video response. Create your own post with at least 2 resource links to the posted activity called “Create your own question.” Read the article provided about creating good quality questions for discussion.
Steps: 1. Type in mrsjankowski 2. Log in with Google EVSC account
Next class: Watch each class member’s posted video question. Select 5 classmates to read, watch the resources he/she provided. Post a follow-up response to their question with a video post.