Prof. MVDr. Václav K o u b a, DrSc. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 1990: list of 218 field projects (order, symbol, title, fund) backstopped by its Animal Health Service (AGAH) under the responsibility of the author as the Chief, AGAH
FAO field projects backstopped by the Animal Health Service (AGAH) -1990 ======================================================================================== AGAH full backstopping projects AGAH partial backstopping projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ongoing Pipeline Ongoing Pipeline Total National Regional National Regional National Regional National Regional UNDP 109 50 4 10 5 33 4 3 TCP 71 39 6 19 7 TF 32 11 8 2 2 7 2 FENU 2 1 1 Multi 1 1 NORAD 1 1 UNO 2 1 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 218 103 19 12 7 61 13 3 ============================================================================================ Source of funding: UNDP – UN Development programme; TCP – Technical Cooperation Programme (FAO); TF – Trust Fund; FENU– UN Capital Fund; UNO – UN emergency operations; NORAD – Norwegian Fund