Lesson 1: Wilderness First Aid Kits
Lesson 1 Wilderness and Remote first Aid Kits Objectives: Describe the contents of a Wilderness/Remote 1st Aid Kit Determine how to modify a kit for group size Describe ways to improvise missing/needed items
1st Aid Kit Overview Factors for Determining what goes in the kit Environment, altitude, season, type of terrain Number of People in group Number of days of trip Distance to travel for help/avail of rescue Experience of group Pre-existing conditions
Exercise: What goes in the Kit? Get together in groups of 4-6 and make a list of items you would bring in a wilderness first aid kit One for crew of 12 hiking in high mountains One for crew of 12 canoeing/kayaking One for crew of 12 sailing
Components of a First Aid Kit Include plenty of sterile absorptive material Water tight compartments Supplies should be specific to activity No prescription drugs, unless necessary for yourself First aid and rescue directions First aid report forms and a pencil
1st Aid Kits- Key Points Evaluate and repack kit for each trip Renew expired medications Replace damaged items Update supply based on evironment Don’t carry items you don’t know how to use Encourage each group member to have personal kit
Prevent Disease Transmission
Routes of Disease Prevention Direct - Touching body fluids Indirect - Touching bandages or contaminated equipment Airborne - Inhalation of droplets from a sneeze or cough Vector-borne - By an animal bite or insect sting
Steps to Prevent Disease Wear gloves Dispose of soiled items properly Remove soiled gloves properly Cover cuts, scrapes, etc. Wash hands with soap and water Avoid touching eyes, nose, etc. Use a mask for CPR and rescue breathing See a doctor if exposure occurs
Glove Removal Pinch and Partly remove first Glove and pull glove toward fingers Remove second glove (inside out) using partially gloved hand Finish removing both gloves (inside out) Discard in appropriate container Wash hands
Glove Removal