Keathley University Center Room The mission of the Career Development Center is to prepare and engage students in a comprehensive career development process with a focus on lifelong learning. This is accomplished by providing innovative resources and integrated technology, which will assist students to effectively transition from an academic setting into their career field.
Three Core Areas 1.Campus Recruiting Program Job Posting On-Campus Interviewing Career Fairs 2.Student Employment Program 3.Job Search Program
Six Steps to Career Success The Career Success Plan: Preparing for future career goals: ASSESSING your interests, values and skills EXPLORING your career options and academic majors BUILDING your job-search skills EXPERIMENTING by gaining related experience IMPLEMENTING your plan PRACTICING life-long career management
Virtual Career Center Available 24/7, the Virtual Career Center is your point of first service.
Lightning JobSource All employment opportunities: Full-time Part-time (on- and off-campus) Internship and co-op (paid/unpaid, credit/non-credit) On-campus Interviews Employer Profiles Workshop Info and RSVP Practice Interviewing
Register with LJS Open an account at: Click on logo and link on the right Click on Students Click Register to fill out the form Read the Use Statement After submitting, the CDC will create your account and you will receive an with your username and password Please allow 1-2 business days for this to occur!
Quick Service Programs Walk-In Advising Program Fall 2010 Drop off:Pick up: By noon on Mon.After noon on Wed. By noon on Wed.After noon on Fri. By noon on Fri.After noon on Mon. Fall 2010 FromTo Tuesday9 a.m.11 a.m. Wednesday10 a.m.12 p.m. Thursday2 p.m.4 p.m.
Workshops and Presentations Weekly Career Workshops Lightning JobSource Resumes & Cover Letters Job Searching Interviewing Presentations Faculty/Class Student organizations Campus departments
Mock Interview Program Practice interviewing skills Available through Lightning JobSource Use personal web cam OR Self-schedule a time to use Career Center PC and web cam umm… like… yknow...
Peer Career Advisors Inaugural Class of Peer Career Advisors from left to right: Lana Tingle - Sophomore in RIM, concentration in Music Business Stephen West (sitting)- Senior in RIM, concentration in Writing Adam Emerson (standing) - Jr. in Psychology & International Relations, Russian Studies minor Sonya Leak - First year grad student in Education Administration and Supervision
Advice from Professionals Raider Professional Network Employer-in-Residence – Verizon Wireless Alumnus-in-Residence – Laura Filtness, MTSU, M.Ed. Professional Counseling
Career Cluster Advising Advising based on 16 career clusters instead of 80+ majors.16 career clusters Job function vs. major: What do you want to do? Career Cluster Advisors available for in-depth questions.
Career Cluster Advising
Getting Started 1.Register with CDCs Lightning JobSource. 2.Review info in the Virtual Career Center. 3.Utilize Quick-Service options: Document Drop Walk-In Advising 4.Attend a workshop. 5.Schedule appointment with Career Cluster Advisor for more advanced questions.
Im sure Moms proud survey of 1100 employers by 26% of employers used the internet to research potential candidates 12% of those were led to social networking sites 51% of those did not hire a candidate based on what they found 63% of those viewing social sites did not hire based on what was found!
Im sure Moms proud... My data may be old but…
Fall Career Fair Wednesday, October 13, am-3pm | Murphy Center, Track Level Log in to LJS to view a current list of registrants and what positions and majors they are recruiting Log in to LJS