Inversions of Optical Properties to Obtain Biogeochemical Variables with Focus on in-situ Measurements Emmanuel Boss, University of Maine Introductions. Light and Radiometry (less than 1hr). break Inherent optical properties (IOP) (1.5hr + demos). Lunch, 12:00-13:00 Apparent optical properties (AOP) and the radiative-transfer equation (1hr). Methods to obtain biogeochemical variables and rates from IOP and AOP and examples for their application (2hr+).
Inversions of Optical Properties to Obtain Biogeochemical Variables with Focus on in-situ Measurements Expectations: If you don’t understand the material presented, please interrupt me. If you see an error/misconception in the material presented, please say so. If due credit/pertinent O(1) references are missing in the presentation, please say so for the benefit of all present. We have time to focus mostly on first order issues (O(1)). While perturbations are surely important, in our field we still need to do much work on the O(1).
Inversions of Optical Properties to Obtain Biogeochemical Variables with Focus on in-situ Measurements Introductions: Your name. What do you hope to learn today.