Final Review Dr. Ann T. Orlando
Final Review: Test Structure Test on December 6 Closed book, closed notes Match events with dates, more dates than events (10 pts) Matching people with descriptions; more people than descriptions (20 pts) Definitions (20 pts) Match quotes from readings to authors; more authors than quotes (20 pts) Table of Orders (15 pts) Essay (15 pts)
Dates If I were you, I would know what key events in Church History are associated with these dates: 910, 1095, 1187 1204, 1303, 1414, 1453
Definitions Scholasticism Lay Investiture Simony Nepotism Avignon Papacy Conciliarism Indulgence Inquisition Fourth Lateran Council Mendicants
People Gregory VII Boniface VIII Dante Mehmed II Philip IV the Fair Bonaventure Richard Lionhearted Innocent III Peter Damien Thomas Aquinas Anselm Thomas Becket Leonardo Bruni Petrarch Bernard of Clairvaux Machiavelli Catherine of Sienna Bridget of Sweden Hildegard von Bingen Gregory VII Boniface VIII Dante Mehmed II Philip IV the Fair Peter Lombard Francis of Assisi Dominic Louis IX Otto I Saladin Bruno
Quotes Will not be tricky Five quotes, 7 authors If I were you, I would re-read this: Charter of Cluny Urban II, Call to First Crusade Gregory VII, Dictatus Papae Anselm, Cur Deus Homo Francis of Assisi, Rule Dante, Divine Comedy Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam Catherine of Sienna, Letter 74 Sack of Constantinople Petrarch, Ascent of Mount Ventoux
Table on Orders Provide Founder, Century, Mission, Rule for these Orders Benedictines Cluny Carthusians Cistercians Franciscans Dominicans Carmelites Augustinians Templars Nobertines
Essay Describe why the office of bishop was so contested from 900 to 1450. Otto I Gregory VII and HRE Henry IV Calixtus II and HRE Henry V, Concordat of Worms Innocent III and English King John Boniface VIII and French Philip the Fair Avignon Papacy Great Western Schism Conciliarism