Recommendation : Group-1 National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi 2018 Recommendation : Group-1
Group I Group-1 Strategy for sustained production of rabi pulses and Oilseeds in rice fallows, non traditional areas and through intercropping Participating States Maharashtra, Bihar Jharkhand, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh
Topics for discussion 1.Strategies for sustained production of rabi pulses. 2.Extending Targeting Rice Fallow Areas scheme beyond six eastern states. 3.Intercropping of pulses and oilseeds in a large scale. 4.Pulses and oilseeds cultivation in non- traditional states/seasons.
State-wise Emerging Issues and Suggestions Arunachal Pradesh & NE State’s Supply of seed minikit of pulses & oilseeds. Information of availability of seeds of pulses and oilseed by NSC, Guwahati centre well in advance.. Popular varieties of pulses to be promoted in the NE state’s as per availability. Bihar Increase MSP and assured procurement in time. Seed availability is major issue. Promote watershed programme in rainfed areas. Extension of Intercropping and Ridge planting. Capacity building for production of pulses. Chhattisgarh Diversion/conversion of Lathyrus area into chickpea. Provision for community fencing under NFSM-pulses and TRFA scheme.
State-wise Emerging Issues and Suggestions Gujarat Promote pulses production on rice-bunds. Create Custom hiring centers for machineries/tools. Provide incentives for popular varieties. Provide Post Harvest Technology and storage facilities. Declaration of MSP before sowing and assured procurement in time. Jharkhand KVKs to be made available Breeder seeds in time. Increase number of Seed-hubs in the state. Conversion of rainfed areas into irrigated area. Allow seed subsidy for > 10 year old varieties of pulses. (JAKI 9218). Promote Inter-cropping lentil/gram with Wheat. Need additional minikits of mustard (10,000) and linseed (5000). Extend TRFA to Garwa, Dumka, Jamtada districts of state . Karnataka Promote appropriate HYVs and Hybrids of pulses & oilseeds. More funding support for increasing area under micro irrigation. Support under farm-ponds for critical irrigation.
State-wise Emerging Issues and Suggestions Madhya Pradesh Increase MSP and assured procurement in time of pulses & oilseeds. Extend TRFA scheme for oilseeds and pulses in Jablapur, Balaghat, Mandala, Dindori, Seoni, Chhindwara, Shahdol districts of MP. Made provision for community fencing under NFSM –Pulses. Maharashtra A policy decision on lathyrus cultivation in eastern Vidarbha be communicated. Newly developed but yet to release SAUs/State’s varieties for minor pulses (Rajmash, Mothbean, Cowpea etc., ) should be permitted under NFSM. JAKI 9218, Digvijay (2007) of gram, more than 10 years old but, highly promising and need relaxation. RVG-202 & 203 of gram should be brought under seed production. Promotion of inter-cropping of gram /groundnut with sugarcane. Promotion of pulses and oilseeds in rice-fallow area of Konkan and Vidarbha for which MNCFC district mapping requested. Community fencing provision under NFSM –Pulses. Additional minikits for sesame and linseed.
State-wise Emerging Issues and Suggestions Odisha Promotion of Inter-cropping with cotton + Redgram (Tur). Incentives to best pulse growing farmers achieving > national avg. yield. Enhanced support for value addition and PHM. Subsidy for PICS (Purdue Improved Crops Storage) developed by ICRISAT for storage at farmers level. Rajasthan Mukhya Mantri Beej Swablamban Yojna need replication. Supply of additional seed minikits (50,000) of gram var.- GNG 1958. MSP declaration before sowing period. Uttar Pradesh Supply of disease/insect-pest resistant HYVs of pulses. Focus on large farmers (41 per cent) for pulses promotion instead of small and marginal farmers. Additional 10,000 minikits of lentil (var,-PL-8) required. Promote inter-cropping of mung/urad with summer/spring sugarcane. Community fencing provision under NFSM –Pulses. Tamil Nadu Promotion of pulses and oilseeds in rice-fallow especially in delta regions. Ensure availability of rancid resistant variety of groundnut. West Bengal Increase MSP and assured procurement in time.
Group Recommendation Seed : Relaxation of age of variety under pulses (upto 15 yrs.) for cluster demonstration and seed distribution. Community fencing provision under NFSM, BGREI and TRFA to sustain spring/summer pulses/oilseeds area. Declaration of MSP before sowing of crops and ensure procurement in time under PSS. Umbrella MoU between SAUs and State Governments to sustain the seed-hubs of oilseeds & pulses. Mass awareness of PM-AASHA scheme for remunerative prices to the farmers.
Group Recommendation…… Cont… Seeds of intercrops should also be supplied along with main crop under seed minikit programme of pulses & oilseeds. Policy decision for cultivation of lathyrus of low ODAP varieties, be communicated to all the states. TRFA scheme be extended to Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat and Karnataka states. Convergence of NRLM, MGNREGS with agriculture for ponds, common fencing. Seed availability of oilseeds and pulses to be communicated by NSC to all the states before each season. Scope of area expansion through inter-cropping in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh should be formulated.
area and production TARGET of pulses and oilseeds by 2022 Ongoing programme Area by 2022 (m. ha) production by 2022 (m. tonnes) NFSM Pulses 32.00 28.00 Programme already under implementation NFSM Oilseeds 31.20 45.65 Proposed Programme for pulses & oilseeds Rice Fallow 5.00 3.00 Separate project proposals are requested from states under NFSM-Pulses & NFSM-Oilseeds Non traditional area 1.00 Intercropping 1.50 Total 70.70 79.15
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