The Royal Society of Chemistry is a Registered Charity No. 207890. Free Evening Talk: PEEKaboo, taking a peek at PEEK – Thermal analysis in the study of thermoplastics Speaker: Tim Mann, Perkin Elmer Thermal Analysis Description: Modern thermal analysis methods such as Hyper DSC have been used to show the effect of fast heating and cooling rates on the structure of polymers and can be used to examine the crystallinity of the polymer in its as received state after production. Analysis of the composition of materials by TGA has also been made easier by developments in evolved gas analysis where it is now routine to link multiple techniques together such as TGA-GCMS to give greater insight . Date: Thursday 22nd October 2015 at 6pm Venue: Room M10.14, Middlesbrough Tower Teesside University Middlesbrough TS1 3BA All Welcome - Please contact Adrian Adamson to confirm your attendance or for more information, e-mail: , Tel: 07830 985926 or visit: The Royal Society of Chemistry is a Registered Charity No. 207890.