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Sunday AM Sunday PM Wednesday Serving Sunday AM Sunday PM Wednesday Usher Gerald Van Fleet Opening Prayer Anthony Ward Michael June Opening/Head Curt Davis Communion Ryan Sollars Grant Haines Chad Farris Lamar McDonald Song Leader Chris Willis Craig Foster Caleb White Announcement Michael Hetzer Rob Wade Adult Class Brian Haines Invitation Stan Mellor
- I will bless the LORD at all times; Psalm 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Hymns Invitation -
Obligation to the Church I Corinthians 12
The Church or Christ Our duty is to Christ above the church We convert to Christ, not the church Christ saves, not the church But the church IS important to salvation
What a Christian Owes the Church Personal Growth Ability Development Admonition Exhortation Patience
What a Church Owes to the Christian Spiritual Development Doctrinal Truth Admonition Exhortation Patience
What is “Going to Church” Coming to Worship and take communion? Meeting to study the Bible? Getting together with other Christians? What does a child mean “go to church”? We all know that it is an inaccurate expression, but we all use it, and we all understand what is meant by it. Let us define it as broadly as a child might for this lesson,
What is “Going to Church” Hebrews 10:23-26 “….not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together….” “….consider one another in order to stir up love and good works” What does a child mean “go to church”? We all know that it is an inaccurate expression, but we all use it, and we all understand what is meant by it. Let us define it as broadly as a child might for this lesson,
What is “Going to Church” Those times when we gather together: Do something the church is charged with To show that we love one another To help each other do good works Let us define it as broadly as a child might for this lesson, as anytime Christians get together for the purpose of showing that we love each other, and an opportunity to grow in works and Grace is present.
The Evidences of Failure Ignorance of church matters Non-participation in church works Worldly habits outweigh spiritual habits We” verses “they” mindset
“I won’t go to hell for missing “church”” You won’t mature spiritually for missing “church” For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep. 1 Corinthians 11:30 You will be lost if you don’t grow In the end, it is true that our presence at the assembly of saints is not something that being absent or tardy matters; the real point is the reason for our absence or tardiness.
“I won’t go to hell for missing “church”” You won’t mature spiritually for missing “church” You won’t go to heaven if you put God 2nd place You won’t go to heaven if you don’t love brethren In the end, it is true that our presence at the assembly of saints is not something that being absent or tardy matters; the real point is the reason for our absence or tardiness.
A Matter of the Heart Assembly attendance is a matter of heart Assembly is a sign of Spiritual life God can tell a reason from an excuse Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. 1 Corinthians 4:5
Elisha’s Vessels II Kings 4:1-7 When Elisha told the widow to get every vessel, she did so. When all she had obtained were filled, the miracle ended. We wonder if she wished she had looked harder for more vessels when she saw what they were filled with. We can only be filled to the degree that we bring our vessels before God. Bring them!