Draft Pre-scoping Document


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Presentation transcript:

Draft Pre-scoping Document 1st Steering Committee Meeting for the Macaronesian and Mediterranean Region 21.2.2013, Brussels Marita Arvela & Mora Aronsson

In this presentation: Data and methods used for analysis Results – aiming to aid the selection of habitats and/or species Other supporting elements Page numbers refer to the Pre-scoping document

Natura 2000 sites across the Macaronesian region

Natura 2000 sites across the Mediterrean region

DATA & METHOD USED Art 17 data of 2001-2006 (Member States’ data) Excluding species listed in Annex V only & species and habitats occurring only in one MS (except for MAC) In total the analysis covers: Macaronesian region: 41 habitat types and 199 species Mediterranean region: 119 habitat types and 223 species No birds data in the analysis, but birds are part of the Seminars! Clustering of habitat types and species Largely similar way as for the Boreal, Atlantic and Alpine Seminar (for MAC/MED analysis MAES typology is followed) some habitat types & species may appear in 2 different habitat groups

Proposed habitat groups Heaths & Scrubs Mires & Bogs Coastal Grasslands Forests Rivers and Lakes Sparsely vegetated land Marine

How the results were calculated? Calculations are made for MAC and MED separately 1. Criteria for prioritization: Number of Member State where species/habitat types are present (criterion A) Species and habitat types at unfavourable/unknown conservation status (criterion B) Negative trend using certain parameters (criterion C) 2. Filtering species and habitat types: - priority index calculated using A*(B + C) for each species and habitat type

Test to use weighting (tested for the Pilot Boreal Seminar) Tested for conclusions of unfavourable conservation status (criterion B) & trend information (criterion C) No major changes in results, but potential constraints detected

RESULTS For your decision making: Top habitat types of the MAC (25) and MED (23) region (page 20 & 22) Some habitat types share the same score 2. Ranking of 8 habitat groups for MAC and MED region 3. List of all species & habitats per habitat groups in MAC and MED region (See Appendix 1 & 2)

1. Top 25 habitat types of the MAC region continues …

1. Top 23 habitat types of the MED region continues …

2. Ranking of 8 habitat groups (page 19 & 21) Macaronesia:


OTHER SUPPORTING ELEMENTS See Appendix 1 & 2: Coverage of Natura 2000 network for the habitat types and species : ● = 0-50%, ●● = 51-75%, ●●● = 76-100 % Positive trend See page 12-13: Conservation status of habitat types and species per habitat group in MAC and MED - you can compare conservation status between habitat groups and between biogeographical regions

Thank you for your attention Photo: O. Opermanis