The Garden Route National Park Conservation without boundaries
Conservation in South Africa SA ranked 3 rd highest country in the world in terms of biodiversity richness – 122 mil ha SANParks contributes towards the national target of increasing areas under formal state protection conservation) from 6% (7.5 mil. ha) to 8% –22 National Parks (4 mil. ha).
National conservation targets South Africas National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan. Dept. Environmental Affairs & Tourism, Pretoria. Figure 1. Priority areas for conservation action. Areas are: 1. North Eastern escarpment; 2. Bushveld-Bankenveld; 3. moist grasslands; 4. Central grasslands; 5. South Eastern Escarpment; 6. Maputaland-Pondoland; 7. Albany Thicket & Wild Coast: 8. Cape Floristic region and; 9. Succulent Karoo.
Garden Route Protected Areas Ha ,600 ha - total of all Protected Areas including MPAs 157,000 ha - currently managed by SANParks 86,260 ha - currently managed by CapeNature and ECPB
Area currently managed by SANParks
SANParks management areas Land coverHa Indigenous forest Fynbos (incl. MCA) Lakes and estuaries Marine Infrastructure (roads; staff houses; etc.) Total
What makes the proposed GRNP unique? Diverse biomes ( from mountain to ocean) –The largest continuous complex of indigenous forest in the country –Aquatic systems: The Knysna estuary (no 1) and Wilderness Lakes (No 6) –Fynbos: The Garden Route falls within the Cape Floristic Region which is designated as a global biodiversity hotspot. –Marine: Oldest MPA in Africa & one of the most important marine conservation areas. The Garden Route is ranked as the 3rd most preferred tourism destination in SA.
What makes the proposed GRNP unique? Footprint straddles between two Provinces; two District Municipalities; and four Local Municipalities; The Garden Route is regarded as one of the countrys biggest development nodes and balancing development and conservation will require innovation that will promote responsible sustainable tourism (DEAT process).
What makes the proposed GRNP unique? Boundaries (Administrative/ cadastral & Ecological ) –Administrative: Proclaimed cadastral –Ecological: Patterns and processes Conservation within the ecological boundaries requires multi- stakeholder partnership (Conservation without boundaries )
Legislative framework for the GRNP National Parks managed in terms of NEMPAA (Act 57 of 2003). Additional to NEMPAA - The National Forest Act and the Marine Living Resources Act will also apply. NEMPAA makes provision for dual designation of protected areas, mainly for the purpose of management effectiveness
1912 : Stevenson-Hamilton first initiated the concept of National Parks : Kruger NP established : Indigenous Forests proposed to be National Park 1964 : Tsitsikamma NP proclaimed : Wilderness NP & Knysna National Lake Area proclaimed : GR Protected Area planning processes 2005 : Delegation of indigenous forests to SANParks : Ministers media launch 2008 : Proposed GRNP gazetted. Milestones
Areas gazetted
Benefits of a GRNP Ecological services: how our natural habitat contributes towards human well being. –Management MCAs –Maintain natural open spaces for recreation and tourism –Carbon sequestration (storage) that is important for reducing the impacts of climate change
Sustained Socio-economic –Aesthetic value contributes towards sustainable tourism and economic growth. –SANParks second largest employer in region (372 permanent & 750 contract personnel.) –The total economic contribution of SANParks towards the region are calculated at R p. annum Benefits of a GRNP
Process of proclamation Intention to proclaim GRNP gazetted 21 November GRNP to be proclaimed towards mid Management plan for GRNP to be submitted within 12 months after proclamation.
Management plan for the GRNP First draft for public comment : June Management Plan to include: –Land consolidation/inclusion strategy –Fine scale biodiversity map to inform land use planning –Integrated fire management plan –Alien plant mapping and costing –Tourism development and implementation plan –Socio-economic study
The Garden Route National Park… Conservation without boundaries is everyones responsibility.