DEI Peer Exchange: WIOA Section 188, the foundation for the DEI Hosted/Facilitated by: Miranda Kennedy and Brian Ingram, NDI TA Team Special Guest Presenter: Jamie Robinson, LEAD Center DEI Peer Exchange: 2016
Moderators Presenter: Miranda Kennedy Title: Director of Training for the DEI and TA Liaison, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Presenter: Brian Ingram Title: Director of Training for the DEI and TA Liaison, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Laura
DEI Peer Exchange This DEI Peer Exchange will provide Round IV, V, and VI Disability Employment Initiative (DEI) grantees with an opportunity to review and discuss information coming out of U.S.DOL and DEI partner technical centers (LEAD Center) around WIOA Section 188 and the role the Disability Reference Guide plays in the DEI. Our interactive discussion will kick off with a review of the WIOA Section 188 Disability Reference Guide and the LEAD Center presentation on WIOA Section 188 that was held on January 20th 2016. Read slide – (after) We will be using polling questions to get a sense for where everyone is at in terms of our topic for discussion. We will then be posing some discussion questions to help guide and provide a bit of structure to our dialogue today. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas, as well as the actions you are taking on this topic and how you view 188 and the reference guide and incorporate it into your work with the DEI.
Resources Archive of the LEAD Center’s WIOA Section 188 webinar Promising Practice In Achieving Universal Access and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide
Polling Questions Have you seen the LEAD Center presentation on WIOA Section 188? (either the live or archived version) Yes No I’m not sure, I see a lot of webinars Have you reviewed the WIOA Section 188 Disability Reference Guide? I’m not sure, I read a lot of reference guides
Special Guest Presenter: Jamie Robinson Title: Director of Training for the DEI and TA Liaison, NDI Technical Assistance Team Organization: National Disability Institute Laura
Creating an Inclusive Workforce System: Implementing WIOA Section 188’s Equal Opportunity Provisions January 20,2016 Speaker: Elizabeth
What is Section 188? Section 188 implements the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA, which are contained in section 188 of the statute. Section 188 prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or belief, among other bases. Section 188 also requires that reasonable accommodations be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities in certain circumstances. Section 188 of WIOA contains provisions identical to those in Section 188 of WIA. The regulations for Section 188 of WIOA can be found at 29 CFR Part 38.
Section 188 Disability Reference Guide On July 6, 2015, Secretary of Labor Tom Perez released Promising Practices in Achieving Universal Access and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide The Reference Guide was jointly developed by: Civil Rights Center (CRC) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) With support and assistance from ODEP’s LEAD Technical Assistance Center at the National Disability Institute.
Section 188 Disability Reference Guide Part I: contains continuum of examples highlighting some ways AJCs can meet their legal obligation broken out into sections on (1) universal access, (2) equal opportunity and (3) governance/Implementation. Part II: contains language from current Section 188 regulations that form the basis of the promising practices and includes hyperlinks directly to the promising practices in Part I.
Polling Question As DRCs, what is your level of familiarity with 188? On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best!) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11* *“This one goes to 11!” Bonus point: Name the movie this quote comes from in Chat
Polling Question Have your staff been trained on access issues for people with disabilities as described in WIOA 188? Yes No Not Sure
Polling Question What is your entirely subjective opinion of your staff’s ability to serve people with disabilities to the level described in the WIOA 188 Disability Reference Guide? (1-10, where 10 is best) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Polling Question Are you/your local area doing or considering doing a 188 survey process similar to what Missouri has done, which was covered in the LEAD presentation on 188? Yes No Not sure I would like more information (put your e-mail in the Chat)
Discussion Questions How can the DEI service delivery components help your Center achieve the level of access spelled out in 188? What is / or might be the role of the DRC to help your regions Centers define what programmatic access means for job seekers with disabilities? How can increasing the number of job seekers with disabilities entering into the Customer Flow of your Center help your Center achieve the level of access spelled out in 188? How many of you are working with your Equal Opportunity (EO) office/officer? At what level? How do you and your EO Officer differentiate between 188 compliance and DEI technical assistance support in your Project? How many of you/your local area have or are pursuing establishing a Disability Standing Committee focused on 188 or addressing it? How is that going? What does it look like?
Participation To engage in the discussion A: Click on the “raise hand” icon to have your line un-muted and ask your question/make your comment. B:Submit it to the host in writing via the Chat or Q&A Box to the right, or…
Discussion Question How can the DEI service delivery components help your Center achieve the level of access spelled out in WIOA 188? (Note: The DRC position/role and other DEI service delivery strategies are referenced throughout the 188 Disability Reference Guide.)
Discussion Question What is / or might be the role of the DRC to help your region’s Centers define what programmatic access means for job seekers with disabilities?
Discussion Question How can increasing the number of job seekers with disabilities entering into the Customer Flow of your Center help your Center achieve the level of access spelled out in 188?
Discussion Question How many of you are working with your Equal Opportunity (EO) office/officer? At what level?
Discussion Question How do you and your EO Officer differentiate between 188 compliance and DEI technical assistance support in your Project?
Discussion Question How many of you/your local area have or are pursuing establishing a Disability Standing Committee focused on 188 or addressing it? How is that going? What does it look like?
Resources Archive of the LEAD Center’s WIOA Section 188 webinar Promising Practice In Achieving Universal Access and Equal Opportunity: A Section 188 Disability Reference Guide
Contact Information Miranda Kennedy NDI Technical Assistance Team National Disability Institute P: 720.890.3990 E: Brian Ingram Jamie Robinson LEAD Center E: Laura