Individual Graduation Plan Meetings Individual pathways to meet your goals When 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade Who Student Parents Your Counselor What Grades Transcript Naviance State Assessments Career Cluster High School Major Course Requests
Course Requests (one diploma, many pathways) Core Academics English Math Science Social studies World Language (four year college only) Other Requirements Physical Education Personal Health Computer Science Fine Art (four year college only) Electives Fine Arts Agriculture Auto Building Culinary Engineering Information Technology …and many more
Why Career Clusters and Majors? Encourage students to think toward their future to see greater purpose and meaning in their education. Students work harder when they know that what they are learning will lead to a meaningful goal. Which has more meaning? I have to pass this class to get a high school diploma? I am learning math to become an engineer!
Career Clusters at Clover High School School of Arts & Humanities School of Business Management & Information Systems School of Math, Science, Engineering & Industrial Technologies School of Health & Human Services Arts, A/V Technology & Communication Cluster Journalism Humanities Media Technology Performing Arts Visual Arts World Language Education Cluster Early Childhood Secondary Teaching Business Management & Admin. Cluster Business Information Mgmt. General Mgmt. Finance Cluster Accounting Hospitality & Tourism Cluster Culinary Arts Information Technology Cluster Programming & Software Develop. Web & Digital Communications Marketing, Sales & Service Cluster Marketing Communications Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Cluster Plant & Animal Systems Architecture & Construction Cluster Construction Manufacturing Cluster Welding Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Cluster Automotive Technology Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Cluster Mathematics Pre-engineering & Technology Mechatronics Science Government Cluster National Security Health Science Cluster Health & Personal Fitness Nursing & Pre-medicine Sports Medicine Human Services Cluster Family & Consumer Services Law, Public Safety & Security Emergency & Fire Management
High School Majors Choosing Electives: Some electives are required for graduation (PE, health, computer science). Others are based on interest (art, agriculture, engineering) A college major is different than high school major. They do not have to match! Major: to try something new in high school OR to prepare for a career. Automotive Tech Automotive Tech York Technical College USC to major in Business Management To be recognized as a completer, students must have four units in one major above graduation requirements. The choice of a major does not impact graduation because SC Diploma requirements are standardized. (one diploma, many pathways) *You may change your Cluster and Major every year.
Diploma Pathways Endorsements and Criteria Honors Endorsement GPA 3.5 or higher English - 4 credits (2 at honors or higher) Math – 4 credits (3 at honors or higher) Lab Science – 3 credits (2 at honors or higher) Social Studies – 3 credits (2 at honors or higher) World Languages – 3 credits of the same language Advanced Coursework – 4 honors or higher credits Jr/Sr year College-Ready Endorsement GPA 3.0 or higher OR ACT benchmark (18 English/22 Math) English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits (Alg. 1, Geom., Alg. 2 or Integrated Math 3) Lab Science – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits World Language – 2 credits of the same language Fine Arts – 1 credit Career Endorsement GPA 2.5 or higher Math – 4 credits Science – 3 credits Completion of an EEDA Major Earn at least 1 industry-recognized credential or silver of higher on WIN or a semester-long WBL placement credit Specialization Endorsement GPA 3.0 or higher STEM – 4 credits beyond required courses in math, science, and technology (at least 2 at honors level or higher) World Language – 4 credits of the same language and/or minimum of “Intermediate Low” or AP exam score 3 or higher before senior year Military – 4 credits JROTC and ASVAB 31 or higher Arts – 4 credits (2 at honors or higher) Mastery on external exam or performance task
8th grade IGP Day – April 27, 2019 The first of your annual CHS IGP (Individual Graduation Plan) Conferences What should I expect from the day? Learn more about Clover High School and the Ninth Grade Campus Discuss your thoughts for life after high school & review your academic progress Select a career cluster and major to indicate your interests Review your core academics and request your 9th grade elective classes Begin your 5 year plan toward graduation! *Please contact your middle school if you have questions about your appointment time
Graduation and College Entrance High School Graduation / Two Year College Four Year College English 4 units Math 4 units (Algebra 1, 2, Geometry, Higher Level) Science 3 units 3 units (3 Lab Science in two different fields) Social Studies 3 units (1 US History, .5 Gov., .5 Economics) Computer Science (middle school does not count) 1 total unit PE or ROTC (or Marching Band with PE) 1 unit Health .5 unit World Language 1 unit of W. Language OR 1 unit of a CATE class None required 2 or 3 units of the same CATE Fine Arts 1 unit for SC Public Colleges Electives (7 or more electives) Minimum of 24 total units
Core Academics Honors College Preparatory (CP) Career (Core) – College Prep with Support Requires students to work more independently, complete more work outside class time, adhere to strict deadlines, manage time in order to submit their best work, justify their thinking. Covers the same content as the Honors level with a focus on working through difficult concepts as a class with more teacher support, modeling, and class discussion. Covers the same content with more even more support and guidance from the teacher. Incorporates a more hands-on approach to the curriculum. Designed for students headed to a four-year college or university. Designed for students headed to a two or four year college, university, or technical school. Designed for students headed to a two year college or technical school, military, or workforce. *One student may take courses across a variety of levels. They do not have to be all the same.
Electives are up to you! Electives may pair with your career cluster and major Most students take at least two electives per year Try something new! Try something out for fun! Fine Arts – Art, Band, Chorus, Dance, Drama, Technical Theater CATE –Agriculture, Automotive Technology, Building Construction, Computer Classes, Culinary Arts, Early Childhood, Engineering, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Sciences, Law and Public Safety Others – Creative Writing, Current Events, History of American Pop Culture, Journalism, Law Education, Mythology, Speech, PE, ROTC, French, Spanish
9th grade schedule 1st Semester Fall (August – December) 2nd Semester Spring (January – June) English 1 CP Geometry Honors Physical Science Honors French 1 CP World Geography CP PE or ROTC Elective 4x4 Schedule 8 classes per year 4 each day
9th grade schedule –unique classes 4x4 Schedule 8 classes per year 4 each day Fall (August – December) Spring (January – June) AP Human Geography AP Human Geography (2 credits, yearlong) Marching Band Symphonic Band (2 credits, yearlong) Choraliers Choraliers (2 credits, yearlong) A/B Classes – Must Choose Two: Men’s/Women’s Ensemble PE 1 (2 classes which meet every other day) Creative Writing AND Current Events (9 weeks classes – must choose both) History of American Pop Culture AND Mythology. (9 weeks classes – must choose both) Public Speaking AND Law Education. (9 weeks classes – must choose both)
High School Classes in Middle School The uniform grading scale and the system for calculating GPAs and class rank will apply to all courses earning a high school credit (Carnegie Unit) including those earned in middle school. Retake Policy (Algebra, English, French, and Spanish) Benefits to retaking Greater mastery of material The highest grade earned out of both attempts is what calculates into both GPAs.
Grades and GPA – SC Uniform Grading Policy Note: Students who withdraw from a course after three days in a 9 week course, five days in a semester course, or 10 days in a year-long course will receive an F on their transcript. This will be reflected on the transcript and be factored into the student’s overall grade point average and class rank.
Course Request and Scheduling Timeline April 23 – AP Human Geography meeting (for qualifiers) April 24 – NGC/ATC Tour (CMS) April 25, 26 – NGC/ATC Tour (OMS) April 27 – IGP Day August 8 – Freshman Registration August 14 – NGC Parent/Student Open House August 15 – Freshman First Day August 19 – First Day of School
CHS 9th Grade Campus @9GC_BlueEagles
We look forward to welcoming the Thank you! We look forward to welcoming the CHS Class of 2023 to BLUE EAGLE NATION!