Week 1 Emily Hand UNR
Optical Flow - Lucas Kanade Matlab Implementation Input Images:
Optical Flow - Matlab Cont. Output:
Optical Flow OpenCV I downloaded and installed OpenCV on my laptop. I downloaded and installed OpenCV on my laptop. Using the calcOpticalFlowLKPyr function in OpenCV, the following is produced.
Optical Flow - OpenCV Input:
Optical Flow - OpenCV Output:
Edge Detection - Canny I implemented the code Dr. Lobo provided in C++. Input:
Edge Detection - Canny Magnitude Image: Sigma = 1
Edge Detection - Canny Peak Image: Sigma = 1
Edge Detection - Canny Output Image: Sigma = 1
Edge Detection - Canny Magnitude Image: Sigma = 3
Edge Detection - Canny Peak Image: Sigma = 3
Edge Detection - Canny Output Image: Sigma = 3
Project Interests/ Further Research Bag of Words Model Classification of Faces Human Action Recognition Movements/Gestures