NICB Auto Theft Course < < TCOLE Credit > > June 12-14, 2018 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. Each Day < < TCOLE Credit > > TOPICS INCLUDE: Heavy Equipment ISO Database Commercial Vehicle Investigations Watercraft Identification Fraudulent Title Identification Arson Investigations Staged Accidents Cargo Theft HOTEL INFORMATION Doubletree by Hilton 502 West Cesar E. Chavez San Antonio, Texas 78207 210-224-7155 Group Code NIC Group Name: National Insurance Crime Bureau TRAINING LOCATION Bexar County Elections Building 1103 S. Frio #200, San Antonio, Texas 78207 REGISTRATION CONTACT Steve Amerson Bexar County SO Academy 210-335-6257 Send email with name, TCOLE PID and LEA Co-Hosted by the National Insurance Crime Bureau – Bexar County SO