Vocabulary Workshop Book D Unit 6 Words 11-20 By: Cedric Yoo
Incessant Definition: (adj.) never stopping Synonyms: constant, uninterrupted Add: unending Incessant
Intricate Definition: (adj.) complicated; difficult to understand Add: complex Intricate
Definition: (adj.) easy to understand Lucid
Definition: (adj.) occurring or published after death Posthumous
Definition: (adj.) overly neat, proper, or formal Prim
Definition: (adj.) grimly or scornfully mocking Sardonic
Definition: (adj.) exceeding what is sufficient or required Synonyms: surplus Add: unnecessary Superfluous
Supplant Definition: (v.) to take the place of Synonyms: replace, displace Supplant
Taunt Definition: (v.) mock Definition: (n.) an insulting or mocking remark Synonyms: (n.) insult Taunt
Tenacious Definition: (adj.) holding fast; holding together firmly Synonyms: stubborn Tenacious