Writing-ofsted 1. Transcription (spelling and handwriting) 2. Composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing). Pupils should continue to have opportunities to write for a range of real purposes and audiences as part of their work across the curriculum Pupils should understand, through being shown these, the skills and processes that are essential for writing To explore and collect ideas, drafting, and re‑reading to check their meaning is clear
Toodai I went to the myoozeem. Early writing ‘They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing’ (Physical Development- Moving and handling) ‘Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible.’ (Literacy: Writing) Letter formation- Child-friendly rhymes, whiteboards, magnetic letters for spelling of cvc words, writing in the environment- every opportunity to make marks Write Dance- Gross motor, progressing to fine motor skills Using a variety of resources to allow early writers to develop effectively Role-play and drama for the development of the imagination The cat sat on the mat. Toodai I went to the myoozeem.
Early writing Write Dance
Early writing: progression
KS1 Use Drama to enable children to understand texts and genres, as well as further developing vocabulary for writing Daily Phonics/Spelling/Grammar/handwriting- group work and opportunities for independent access in areas of the classroom Handwriting: pre-cursive in Year 1, progressing to continuous cursive in Year 2 (developmental) Teaching of writing skills during the week, which lead up to an opportunity to write for a purpose at the end of the week Bronze, Silver, Gold challenges, which are based on a specific skill Opportunities to write in other areas of the curriculum Vocabulary-rich environment
KS2 Use Drama to enable children to develop rich vocabulary and ideas for writing Process: Teaching of writing skills during the week, which lead up to an opportunity to write for a purpose at the end of the week, building stamina for writing Writing in paragraphs Join cursively-embedded Bronze, Silver, Gold challenges, which are based on a specific skill Opportunities to write in other areas of the curriculum- key words spelled correctly Grammar linked to skills as well as discrete lessons Proofreading, editing and up level
WAYS TO SUPPORT AT HOME! Reading at least 3 x weekly at home Spelling practice at home Completing grammar homework Encouraging writing diaries, stories, poems, lyrics to songs, shopping lists SKILLED READERS ARE THE MOST EFFECTIVE WRITERS!
Thank you for listening! Enjoy your morning!