STS: Rapid Assessment September 26, 2016
Rapid Assessment Goal: To identify any life threatening injuries that caused the disturbance or loss of function found during the primary assessment. ABC’s, ALOC, etc. Use inspection, palpation, auscultation, and smell of certain odors to help uncover findings. Head-to-toe rapidly (between 60-90 seconds). Requires rapid transport.
Rapid Assessment Target Areas Head Pelvis Upper Extremities Neck Chest Abdomen Pelvis Upper Extremities Lower Extremities Back
Use DCAP-BLTS Deformities C A P B T L S
Use DCAP-BLTS D Contusions A P B T L S
Use DCAP-BLTS D C Abrasions P B T L S
Use DCAP-BLTS D C A Penetrations/ Punctures B T L S
Use DCAP-BLTS D C A P B Tenderness L S
Use DCAP-BLTS D C A P B T Lacerations S
Use DCAP-BLTS D C A P B T L Swelling/ Scars
Use DCAP-BLTS Deformities Contusions Abrasions Penetrations/ Punctures Burns Tenderness Lacerations Swelling/ Scars
Additional Assessment Elements Head Asymmetry of head and face Drainage (CSF) Raccoon eyes Battle’s sign Soot/singed nasal or facial hairs Coffee ground emesis Nasogastric tube
Additional Assessment Elements Neck Medical alert tags Jugular vein distention (JVD) Tracheal deviation Carotid pulses Subcutaneous emphysema (crepitus) Stoma Tracheostomy
Additional Assessment Elements Chest Paradoxical movement Accessory muscle use Sucking chest wound Subcutaneous emphysema (crepitus) Central catheters Chest tubes
Additional Assessment Elements Abdomen Distension Rigidity/guarding Pulsating mass Signs of pregnancy Gastrostomy tube Colostomy Medical pumps
Additional Assessment Elements Pelvis Incontinence Priapism Vaginal bleeding Urinary catheter
Additional Assessment Elements Upper Extremities Check CMS (brachial/radial pulse) Arteriovenous (AV) shunt or fistula Lower Extremities Check CMS (pedal pulse) Back Step-off Sacral edema
Plan for Tonight Practice rapid trauma assessments on a partner Run scenario with your partner Write/turn in your run report narrative Reminder: First quiz will be next Monday (10/3) Details will be posted in EMSC facebook group Dispatch: 20 y/o female at USC baseball field, complaining of chest pain and SOB C/C: Left-side chest pain and SOB A&O 3 Neg for HNB pain Didn’t fall or hit head A: penicillin M: none P: none L: dinner 2 hours ago E: struck in the left chest with baseball B: 95/60 mmHg E: PEARRL L: diminished lung sounds on left side L: A&O 3 S: warm, pink, diaphoretic R: 24 breaths/min, shallow P: 122 beats/min, strong P: 95 Tx: rapid trauma (chest bruising and tenderness over left ribs), O2 15 L/min via NRB, ALS
Practice Scenario Dispatch: 20 y/o pt. at USC Baseball Field complaining of chest pain and SOB Dispatch: 20 y/o female at USC baseball field, complaining of chest pain and SOB C/C: Left-side chest pain and SOB A&O 3 Neg for HNB pain Didn’t fall or hit head A: penicillin M: none P: none L: dinner 2 hours ago E: struck in the left chest with baseball B: 95/60 mmHg E: PEARRL L: diminished lung sounds on left side L: A&O 3 S: warm, pink, diaphoretic R: 24 breaths/min, shallow P: 122 beats/min, strong P: 95 Tx: rapid trauma (chest bruising and tenderness over left ribs), O2 15 L/min via NRB, ALS