ENES 182 Engineering the Future Fall 2008
ENES 182 Engineering the Future Wed 4:00 - 4:50 pm, Kim 1110, 1 credit Selected lecturers from across the Clark School of Engineering GOAL – to provide an overview of engineering Its role in addressing challenges of our society and economy The diversity of engineering fields How different portions of engineering, science, and social science interact How engineers think and work What’s exciting about engineering practice Rubloff: ENES 182 Engineering the Future
Instructor Gary W. Rubloff Gary W. Rubloff Director, Maryland Nanocenter Minta Martin Professor of Engineering Dept of Materials Science & Engineering Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering Fischell Dept of Bioengineering Institute for Systems Research Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics Gary W. Rubloff 2145 AV Williams x52949 rubloff@umd.edu www.rubloffgroup.umd.edu Rubloff: ENES 182 Engineering the Future
Specifics Registration: ENES 182, 1 credit Wed 4:00 – 4:50 pm, Kim 1110 Office hours: email exchange and by appointment Instructors Selected lecturers from across the Clark School of Engineering Exciting, entertaining lectures posted to Blackboard by or soon after class Requirements for course, basis for grading (1/3) Attendance – check-in sheet (mark for yourself only) (1/3) Participation – submit comments & questions to Blackboard Discussion Board, at least for ½ of the lectures (1/3) Short report (6 pages double spaced): (a) Summarize challenging engineering challenges in the field from one of the lectures you heard (b) Describe how the lectures influenced your thinking about choice of major and career interest Rubloff: ENES 182 Engineering the Future
Lectures – Style and Content Concept Explained in words and simple pictures Little if any math or graphs Applications Show where concept matters in our lives and careers “Come to my lab” Experience the research and lab through pictures, videos, and lab tours See what students do in experiments Learn about a few major advances and their impact Pointers for further interest Simpler professional magazines useful for your reports Questions and discussion Rubloff: ENES 182 Engineering the Future
Blackboard Site – Class Participation https://bb.eng.umd.edu bb-help@umd.edu Rubloff: ENES 182 Engineering the Future