Students of the Month: Julian M & Katie R. Welcome back! Mrs. LaTulippe’s 11th – 14th Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their Mardi Gras break! We are in need of more trinkets, toys, and etc for our treasure box! Since Mardi Gras is officially over if you have any stuffed animals/toys that you would like to donate we would truly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!! Students of the Month: Julian M & Katie R. This week we will work on: Phoneme segmentation Reading nonsense words Reading all sight words Reading simple texts and answering questions about text Writing 5 star sentence Composing and decomposing numbers Number bonds Addition and subtraction Writing letters and numbers correctly Learning new vocabulary words Retelling stories in order This year is really passing quickly! This is the time of year many students “blossom” and really begin to make sense of all they have learned this year. It is such a joy to see how much they have learned since the beginning of the year. I’m so proud of each and every one of them! They are all making so much progress with their writing, reading, spelling, comprehension, counting, adding, subtracting, and much more! Remember to encourage them to read and write every day!