Manilla Low Level Crossing Project Manilla Small Town Hall information session – Wednesday 6 March 2019
Welcome Introductions Presentation slide show Q & A Introduce Mayor, Councillors and staff (place manager)
Why a new bridge? 21Tonne tri-axle Load Limit on the existing bridge. Safety 21Tonne tri-axle Load Limit on the existing bridge. 9 accidents in the past 4 years, 3 resulting in serious injury RMS/NAMOI strategic road network Elimination of a pinch point in the road network Wider bridge with no load restrictions Economic/Productivity Growth for the Region Reduction of 47,000kms and 6,500 hours of travel per year We have listened Annual operational planning community consultations over the last 10 years have told us the current bridge is inadequate.
How did the funding come about? How it works: Step 1 Community needs identified through: Safety requirements/number of incidents Community feedback Step 2 Preliminary scopes are developed based on safety and RMS & freight transporters advice Funds are sourced Applications submitted Step 3 Community notified of successful funding application Project planning commences Detailed concept and detailed design stages commence Community informed of process and project progress
The grant application story Cost Benefit Analysis with independent State Government review used to ensure Value for Money. Funding State Government Growing Local Economies Scheme TRC Reserves Funding Source Value Pro rata % State Government $7,896,500 90% TRC $877,392 10% TOTAL $8,773,892 100%
How we engage on major projects Prior to funding being awarded – High Level Discussions with State and Federal Governments Discussions with Freight companies Concept Stage – The Community Wider community Residents directly impacted by the Project Further discussions with RMS etc Detailed Design – Impacted Residents Further discussions directly with the residents on the adopted route
Concept design stage Concept Design Media Release (completed) Letter to residents (Completed) Community Information Meeting (in progress) Route Investigation (in progress) Discussions with critical land owners (in progress) Revised cost estimates Decide on a preferred alignment Concept Stage – to reach broad community - Letter to residents - Newspaper article Community Information Session Route investigations 4 options being considered. The site constraints and the pro’s/con’s for each option will eliminate some of the options Revised cost estimates Discussions with land owners The feasibility of some routes rely on property acquisition Ensure the routes being considered fit within the project budget
Detailed design stage Detailed Design Direct one-on-one discussions with those directly impacted Flood Modelling Geotechnical Investigations Review of Environmental Effects Report Road and Bridge Design Design Considerations - to reach directly impacted residents Direct one on one discussions on those directly impacted Flood Modelling Ensure flooding is not worse than existing condition Geotechnical Investigations For the proposed road and bridge foundations Review of Environmental Effects Report Compliance with Federal, State and Local requirements Including Pre and Post construction Noise Levels Road and Bridge Design Bridge deck to be at approx 20 year flood level Road to be at existing surface level as much as possible to reduce flood impacts
Design considerations The four routes being considered
Design considerations A weighted criteria assessment will be undertaken to determine the preferred route, using quantifiable criteria and a ‘best for project’ approach Criteria used for the preferred route selection Weighting (100%) Road grade where braking is required No of corners where traffic is required to slow down Existing road geometry/conditions made worse Existing road geometry/conditions improved Construction cost Length of ‘bypass’ Estimated increase in traffic volume No of properties with direct frontage No of underground services
Design considerations The following impact to residents will be considered: Noise Pre and post upgrade noise levels to be determined and where possible, noise mitigation measures will be implemented Visual Headlight screening mitigation measures will be considered Flooding Design to ensure flooding is no worse than the existing condition
Design considerations Driver’s perspective of the proposed bridge Bridge perspective side view
How can I be involved ? Significant Development for Manilla The Namoi River Bridge was completed in 1886 and is heritage listed Be a part of history Naming of the bridge – Naming of the bridge There is an opportunity for the community to be involved by suggesting a name for the bridge. Names can be suggested through our
How do I find out more? Email – Phone – 6767 5555 Communications database established for updates. Email your details to the above address to be included.
Is there anything further you would like to know today Is there anything further you would like to know today? Questions Thankyou for your time