b-tagging efficiency in L+jets at 7TeV Hongbo Liao LPC, Clermont-Ferrand
Tag counting method The number of events with n btag jets N_i depends on b tagging eb , non-b jet mistag rate e nonb and Fij, the fraction of number of events having i jets matching b quark and j jets not matching Fit eb and Ntot, enonb and Fij fixed Pre-selection : Exactly 1 isolated lepton Pt>20GeV (e or µ) At least 4 jets. 3jets Pt>40GeV+ 1 jet Pt>30GeV Missing Et >20GeV Cut SV0 > 8 eb = 50.2 ± 0.7% enon b = 1.9 ± 0.1%
b tagging weight of SV0, JetProb, TrackCounting and SV1+IP3D Thanks Nabil and Diane
b tagging efficiency One can estimate weight cut to get such as expected 50% tagging efficiency
Light jet rejection
Light jet rejection vs btag efficiency At same btag efficiency, SV1+IP3D has higher light jet rejection
Fit results (without bkg) Track>2.5 SV0>8 JetPtob<0.001 SV1+IP3D>6 Expected : eb = 48.9 ± 0.7% Fit : eb = 49.1 ± 7.3% Expected : eb = 46.6 ± 0.7% Fit : eb = 47.0 ± 7.0% Expected : eb = 50.2 ± 0.7% N = 30.1 ± 5.5 Fit : eb = 50.3 ± 7.1% N = 30.4 ± 5.5 Expected : eb = 49.4 ± 0.7% Fit : eb = 49.4 ± 7.2% with bkg and more checks
combinational method for Top mass Full-Hadronic Semi-leptonic
Semi-leptonic (7TeV) Idea: find the best combination by the minimum (no fit) to define Ttbar events Here : the mean values and sigma come from the reconstructed objets which matched the thruth. Additional chooses: normal method; Pt dependence; fit? Sample: 7TeV Ttbar, W+jets and Single Top samples After reconstruction: Missing Et > 20 GeV; exactly one lepton Pt>20GeV; at least 4 jets, 3jets Pt>40GeV+1jets Pt>30GeV
+ chi2<30 + weight of 1 bjet >6 Pre_selection S/B : 1.8 3.1 35
Full-Hadronic (10TeV) Idea: find the best combination by the minimum (no fit) to define Ttbar events Smaples : full-hadronic ttbar 105204; QCD Multijet (108352-108355, 108357-108360, 108362-108371); W+jets (107681-107685,107691-107695,107700-107705) Multi-jet Triggers : 6j35_5j45_4j50_3j60, 4j35_3j45_2j50_j60, 4j45_j60, 5j45_2j60_j100, 5j45_4j60_j100,4j60_2j100_j170