Appalachian Trail Backpacking Great Smoky National Park December 28 th – January 4 th 2014
GSMNP UNESCO world heritage site Borders North Carolina to East and Tennessee to the West 36% old growth Forest Clingmans Dome is the highest point along AT – AT runs from Maine to georgia
Day one Departure: Saturday December 28 10:00am 6 hour drive to Park Stop along the way to be determined First Night: Staying at Van Buren State park in Ohio
Sunday December 29 th arrive at GSMNP - One group to Kephart Shelter – one to the Fontana vollage Camp over night, at Park Slackline, eat, cards, relax Day Two
Day 3 North bound group will hike from Fontana Damn to Russell's field shelter (18km)
Day 4 North Bound group hiking from Russels Field shelter to Derick Knob (14km) Thunderhead Mountain
Day 5 North Bound hiking from derick Knob to Double spring gap (10.5 km) Will be meeting over group at buckeye gap for lunch, to exchange keys and hang out for a few hours Buckeye gap
Day 6 North Bound Group hiking from Double Springs Gap to Mount Collins (10.5km)
Day 7: North Bound group Hiking from Mont Collins Shelter out all the way to the parking lot (18.36km)
Day 8 Departing from Tennessee all the way to Hamilton… ~12 hour drive
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How to go on this amazing trip Must get the okay from the McMaster Outdoors club – Come talk with us during office hours After you get theokay, you can register at the DBAC office – Pay in full If you drop out before December 20 th, you will receive half the cost back, unless we find a replacement, in which you will receive it fully back
Continued If you drop out after December 20 th, no refund Insurance – You must purchase your own travel insurance. We suggest Travel cuts Plan D – Need to show MOC proof of this by December 13 th, and you must also have it on your person on date of departure International – You must receive travel visas, or what is necessary to cross and return into the United States of America, and prove you have these items by December 13 th