Unit 8: Aquatic Robots – Technical Essay Set B: avail, cryptic, enmity, fervent, infiltrate, perceptible, proclaim, proxy, stint, unflagging
Avail (v): to be of use or benefit to; to make use of; take advantage of; to profit or benefit; (n): use benefit or value While you are staying at the hotel, you should avail yourself of the water sports and Olympic-sized heated pool. The children searched everywhere for their lost dog but to no avail.
Cryptic (adj.): puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic The archaeologists discovered a cryptic message scratched into the stone wall of the ancient pyramid. I was completely baffled by the cryptic voicemail left on my phone.
Enmity (n): hatred, ill-will, loathing Ben's hurtful comments made his co- workers feel enmity toward him. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. preached against enmity between people.
Fervent (adj.): very earnest, emotional, passionate; extremely hot Malala gave a fervent speech about women's rights and education to the United Nations. Most football fans are fervent in support of their NFL team. The military chaplain offered a fervent prayer for the safe return of the soldiers.
Infiltrate (v): to pass through or gain entrance gradually, slowly, or stealthily The brave SEAL team infiltrated the enemy stronghold and captured the rebel leader. Technology vocabulary or jargon has infiltrated everyday speech over the years.
Perceptible (adj.): capable of being grasped or understood by the senses or mind My vegetable plants showed no perceptible growth because of the drought. My dad showed no perceptible anger even though I scratched his new car.
Proclaim (v): to declare officially or publicly The new American citizen proclaimed his loyalty to the United States when he took the oath of allegiance. The governor proclaimed his intention to be a presidential candidate. The king proclaimed a day of celebration to honor the birth of a new prince.
Proxy (n): an agent, stand-in or substitute; written permission allowing one person to act in another's place The vice-principal acted as the principal's proxy when the principal was called to an emergency meeting. During the dangerous action scene, a stuntman will act as proxy for the movie star.
Stint (v): to limit, be sparing or frugal; (n): a limit or restriction; a fixed share of work or duty; a period of activity Good restaurants never stint on any part of the meals they serve. My uncle once served a stint as a forest ranger in Yellowstone National Park.
Unflagging (adj.): tireless, continuing with vigor and energy The town worked with unflagging dedication to save its beloved park. Emily's dog showed unflagging loyalty and followed her everywhere she went.