Do Now: If you were to use five adjectives to label the type of person you are what would they be. In your journal, take five minutes to think of those five adjectives and write them down. Does your thoughts paint a positive or negative picture of yourself.
Elements of Self-Esteem RECOGNIZING AND ACCEPTING STRENGTHS Each person has special abilities and traits. These strengths make an individual unique. While everyone has areas that need improvement, young people need to identify and use their strengths. Identifying strengths and using them can bring enjoyment and a feeling of accomplishment. What are some of your personal strengths that help increase your self-esteem?
Elements of Self-Esteem HAVING AND IMITATING POSITIVE ROLE MODELS Young people need standards to give direction and meaning to their lives. These standards are developed through experiences within the family and peer groups and with other people who are significant in their lives. When they emulate ideals such as honesty, dependability and loyalty, young people become confident of their ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Self-esteem is increased when students are given the opportunity to examine and express their standards and aspirations. Give an example of how you emulate a role model and reason how it may increase your self-esteem.
Elements of Self-Esteem DEVELOPING A SENSE OF POWER Students who have a sense of power believe they have the ability to affect their own lives and the lives of others. Armed with this power, they are able to take charge and make changes. They feel capable of taking the risks necessary to reach their goals and develop independence. Explain how you may have a sense of power and how it builds your self-esteem.
Elements of Self-Esteem CREATING A SENSE OF BELONGING Relationships that are established at home, in the school or the community help young people feel they are part of a group. The affiliation and satisfaction young people experience within groups contribute to feelings of security and support. What groups give you a sense of belonging and why or how does that improve your self-esteem?
Closure Where your thoughts of what self-esteem different that what you learned from the four elements assignment? Which area do you think most students excel in? Which area do you think most students struggle in? What is mental health?” In your notebook, how does our self-esteem directly relate to mental health?