Building Better Opportunities Stafford & South Staffordshire Ryan Cresswell BBO Project Coordinator South Staffordshire Council This project is funded by the European Social Fund and the National Lottery, through the Big Lottery Fund.
Objectives Who are we? How does the Programme work? What have we achieved so far? How can you find out more information or refer into the programme?
What is Building Better Opportunities? Building Better Opportunities (BBO) Stafford and South Staffordshire is an award winning partnership of organisations delivering a programme jointly funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and European Social Fund (ESF), aimed at supporting people who are not currently in work move closer to employment and/or training. We do this through a range of one-to-one support and tailored training to boost self confidence and wellbeing. The programme is completely free, meaning participants are able to focus 100% on improving their personal, financial and employability skills one step at a time. Every person that joins us has an individual action plan that aligns with their personal needs. The programme is currently funded until December 2019, however we have been informed by the Lottery that we have been granted additional funding that will extend the program until end of 2022. Community / ESF funded Not in work Tailored 1:1 support & training Individual action plan overcome the barriers
Participant is referred to the programme How we do this? Participant is referred to the programme An Advocate arranges an initial interview and completes a needs assessment to identify areas where support is required. A personal action plan is completed with expected outcomes, in agreement with the participant. Referrals are made to partners The participant will be supported to attend courses and team activities or receive one-to-one support, usually at a work club. Travel will be arranged and other expenses considered. After 3 months a review is undertaken to identify if the barriers have reduced. Outcomes are met Once the participant has met the outcomes, they will exit the programme. However, ongoing support will be available at the work clubs. Referrals allocated to advocates (LD passed to beam) Need assessment and action plan Supported to attend courses and activities and 1:1 support, usually at work clubs Travel and other expenses are considered 3 months review undertake (incentive) Exit on outcome
The Needs Assessment and Training interests: Types of Training: Basic Skills Business Skills Retail Job Search Job Specific Skills Life Skills Personal Skills Self-Care & Living Skills Managing Money Social Networks & Relationships Drug & Alcohol issues Physical Health Emotional & Mental Health Basic Skills Team Working Skills Communication Skills Job Search Skills Housing Self-Care & Living Skills Managing Money Social Networks & Relationships Drug & Alcohol issues Physical Health Emotional & Mental Health Basic Skills Team Working Skills Communication Skills Job Search Skills Housing
What does the BBO Partnership offer participants? 1:1 Support Financial Advice Supported Volunteering Tailored Training Careers Advice Support with Learning difficulties Jobs and Training Bulletins 11 Work Clubs 10 week confidence and wellbeing course ICT Coaching Housing Advice Support with Domestic Violence
Current training on offer Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in the Workplace Level 2 Award in Manual Handling Principles and Practice Level 2 Award in Basic Life Support and the Safe Use of an Automated External Defibrillator Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering Financial Confidence Power to Change Cook and Eat Well Safer Surfing Intermediate IT Skills Open Up- Confidence & Personal Development Course
What has BBO achieved so far? 486 participants have signed up to the programme since January 2017 69 participants have found work 44 participants who were previously Economically Inactive have moved into job searching and are now work ready 79 participants have left the programme and moved into accredited training 79% of those who stayed on the programme 10 weeks or more have reported they now have few barriers to employment.
If you have any questions or to find out more information 01902 696676 or 07951 145 145
Finally! Hear from some of the participants we have already helped. C:\Users\cressry\Pictures\Exported videos\New video_Large.mp4