Or access the blog via LMS Web page (under Faculty & Staff). Graded assignments and tasks for the week will be posted to the blog on Mondays. Supplies 8th Ga. Studies • 5 subject spiral notebook 4 dry erase markers (Bring to teacher) • Notebook paper • Pencils • Colored pencils • Highlighter • Glue sticks (3)-Bring to teacher Mr. Banks carlton.banks@cobbk12.org Textbook: Georgia and the American Experience will be a resource used in class. Teacher Wish List: Pencils Colored copy paper Gluesticks Kleenex (tissues) Bandaids Blog: http://cbanks2016.edublogs.org/ https://freshprinceofhistory.wordpress.com/ Banks’ News Or access the blog via LMS Web page (under Faculty & Staff). The class blog will be your go-to spot for assignments, important announcements, tutoring, resources, printable papers, and much more. Field experiences to Dahlonega and Savannah are in the planning phases please stay tuned for more information. Georgia Trivia Question: What city is constructed to mirror an Alpine Bavarian city? Absent? Check the blog before returning to class. Pick up any missing papers from the crate labeled “While you were out.” Be sure to turn in any work collected by the teacher while you were out and your make-up assignments. Extra Help Sessions I meet with students on an as needed case.