Recycling Saves Lives Jonathon Mejias, Sage Park Middle School 2008
Pollution Kills! Sadly many sea birds are being killed before they can even fly. This pictures shows a dead baby albatross. The albatross ate garbage and had no room left for food, it starved. Sadly many sea birds are being killed before they can even fly. This pictures shows a dead baby albatross. The albatross ate garbage and had no room left for food, it starved. These are innocent animals. These are innocent animals. One piece of plastic may kill many animals. One piece of plastic may kill many animals. A parent bird eats a piece of plastic and regurgitates it for her baby birds. The baby birds eat the regurgitated plastic and die of starvation. The dead birds body decomposes and the piece of plastic is released to kill again. A parent bird eats a piece of plastic and regurgitates it for her baby birds. The baby birds eat the regurgitated plastic and die of starvation. The dead birds body decomposes and the piece of plastic is released to kill again.
Our Oceans Are in Crisis Right now our oceans are full of plastics and trash. Right now our oceans are full of plastics and trash. Only three to five percent of all plastics are recycled. Only three to five percent of all plastics are recycled. Think about this: all plastic ever created still exists today! Except for the small amount incinerated.
Animals in Suffering Animals are suffering because of our waste and irresponsibility. This turtle was caught in a plastic band as a baby and is now deformed.
Message In The Waves There are beaches in Hawaii that are covered in trash. The garbage was deposited by the ocean currents from all over the world. More information can be found at by BBC *real photo of beach in Hawaii *real photo of beach in Hawaii
Pollution Is Real!
The Worlds Dirtiest River! This is the dirtiest river in the WORLD! It is located in Indonesia. This is the dirtiest river in the WORLD! It is located in Indonesia. Our water ways are also polluted: Our water ways are also polluted: 1 in 5 Americans drink contaminated water. Photo from. mostinterestingblog.blogspot.Com.
Learn the Facts Many people do not even know that plastics and trash are causing these huge problems. Many people do not even know that plastics and trash are causing these huge problems. Americans generate more trash - than any other country. Americans generate more trash - than any other country. Most people are SHOCKED when they find out about plastic. Most people are SHOCKED when they find out about plastic. Many people want to make changes, and get involved! Many people want to make changes, and get involved!
You Can Make a Difference Foam plates are quick and easy for lunch, but are bad for the environment. Foam plates are quick and easy for lunch, but are bad for the environment. Bring your own lunch, remember to not use plastic bags because they end up inside sea creatures. Bring your own lunch, remember to not use plastic bags because they end up inside sea creatures.
Time for Some Change As of march, 2008, sage park and all other schools in Windsor did not have school lunch room recycling. As of march, 2008, sage park and all other schools in Windsor did not have school lunch room recycling. Windsor schools currently use Styrofoam trays and plastic utensils in the lunch rooms. Windsor schools currently use Styrofoam trays and plastic utensils in the lunch rooms. Recycling glass, plastic, and aluminum at school is Connecticut law. Recycling glass, plastic, and aluminum at school is Connecticut law.
Recycling Is Important Recycling is the LAW! Recycling is the LAW! Recycling saves energy and natural resources. Recycling saves energy and natural resources. Recycling reduces pollution in two ways, it reduces trash in landfills, and by reusing a product it reduce the amount of toxic released into the environment by reducing factories. Recycling reduces pollution in two ways, it reduces trash in landfills, and by reusing a product it reduce the amount of toxic released into the environment by reducing factories.
Non Recyclable Lunch Trays
Recycling at School I wanted to make a difference I talked with my school about starting a recycling program The DEP helped me get started Sage park middle school implemented the ECO warrior lunch room recycling program
You Can Get Involved! Tell others about the harms of plastics and excess packaging. Tell others about the harms of plastics and excess packaging. Start a recycling program at your school. Start a recycling program at your school. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store. Bring reusable bags to the grocery store. Do not support companies that use excess packaging in their products. Do not support companies that use excess packaging in their products. If you have a choice between paper or plastic, choose paper, you can use the paper bags to hold your recyclables. If you have a choice between paper or plastic, choose paper, you can use the paper bags to hold your recyclables.
Thank You! There are a lot of people that I could have never done this without. There are a lot of people that I could have never done this without. Cyd Groff. Cyd Groff. Laura butler. Laura butler. Mr. Cavaliere. Mr. Cavaliere. Leticia colon de Mejias. Leticia colon de Mejias. Sage park! Sage park!
Our Planet Our Future! These are only a few of the things you can do to reduce your plastic waste. There are many ways you help our planet. You can start making a difference today. You can start making a difference today. This is our planet & our future. This is our planet & our future. Lets fight to protect them! Lets fight to protect them! To learn more visit.
Our Planet & Our Future To Learn About More Ways You Can Help the Planet Visit